/* * libgato - A GATT/ATT library for use with Bluez * * Copyright (C) 2013 Javier S. Pedro * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gatocentralmanager_p.h" #include "gatoperipheral.h" GatoCentralManager::GatoCentralManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), d_ptr(new GatoCentralManagerPrivate) { Q_D(GatoCentralManager); d->q_ptr = this; // Hardcode the "default" bluetooth adapter for now. d->dev_id = hci_get_route(NULL); d->timeout = 1000; d->hci = -1; d->notifier = 0; } GatoCentralManager::~GatoCentralManager() { Q_D(GatoCentralManager); if (d->scanning()) stopScan(); delete d_ptr; } void GatoCentralManager::scanForPeripherals(PeripheralScanOptions options) { scanForPeripheralsWithServices(QList(), options); } void GatoCentralManager::scanForPeripheralsWithServices(const QList &uuids, PeripheralScanOptions options) { Q_D(GatoCentralManager); if (d->scanning()) stopScan(); if (!d->openDevice()) return; d->filter_uuids = uuids; quint8 filter_dup = options & PeripheralScanOptionAllowDuplicates ? 0 : 1; quint8 scan_type = options & PeripheralScanOptionActive ? 1 : 0; int rc; hci_le_set_scan_enable(d->hci, 0, 0, d->timeout); rc = hci_le_set_scan_parameters(d->hci, scan_type, htobs(0x0010), htobs(0x0010), 0 /* Public address */, 0 /* No filter ? */, d->timeout); if (rc < 0) { qErrnoWarning("LE Set scan parameters failed"); d->closeDevice(); return; } rc = hci_le_set_scan_enable(d->hci, 1, filter_dup, d->timeout); if (rc < 0) { qErrnoWarning("LE Set scan enable failed"); d->closeDevice(); return; } qDebug() << "LE Scan in progress"; d->notifier = new QSocketNotifier(d->hci, QSocketNotifier::Read); connect(d->notifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(_q_readNotify())); socklen_t olen = sizeof(d->hci_of); if (getsockopt(d->hci, SOL_HCI, HCI_FILTER, &d->hci_of, &olen) < 0) { qErrnoWarning("Could not get existing HCI socket options"); return; } hci_filter_clear(&d->hci_nf); hci_filter_set_ptype(HCI_EVENT_PKT, &d->hci_nf); hci_filter_set_event(EVT_LE_META_EVENT, &d->hci_nf); if (setsockopt(d->hci, SOL_HCI, HCI_FILTER, &d->hci_nf, sizeof(d->hci_nf)) < 0) { qErrnoWarning("Could not set HCI socket options"); return; } // SocketNotifier will call _q_readNotify() when ready } void GatoCentralManager::stopScan() { Q_D(GatoCentralManager); if (d->scanning()) { qDebug() << "Stopping LE scan"; delete d->notifier; setsockopt(d->hci, SOL_HCI, HCI_FILTER, &d->hci_of, sizeof(d->hci_of)); hci_le_set_scan_enable(d->hci, 0, 0, d->timeout); d->closeDevice(); } else { qDebug() << "No scan to stop"; } d->notifier = 0; d->filter_uuids.clear(); hci_filter_clear(&d->hci_nf); hci_filter_clear(&d->hci_of); } void GatoCentralManager::_q_readNotify() { Q_D(GatoCentralManager); unsigned char buf[HCI_MAX_EVENT_SIZE]; // Read a full event int len; if ((len = read(d->hci, buf, sizeof(buf))) < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EINTR) { qErrnoWarning("Could not read HCI events"); } return; // Will be notified later, probably. } int pos = HCI_EVENT_HDR_SIZE + 1; assert(pos < len); evt_le_meta_event *meta = reinterpret_cast(&buf[pos]); if (meta->subevent == EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT) { pos++; // Skip subevent field int num_reports = buf[pos]; pos++; // Skip num_reports field assert(pos < len); while (num_reports > 0) { le_advertising_info *info = reinterpret_cast(&buf[pos]); assert(pos + LE_ADVERTISING_INFO_SIZE < len); assert(pos + LE_ADVERTISING_INFO_SIZE + info->length < len); int8_t *rssi = reinterpret_cast(&buf[pos + LE_ADVERTISING_INFO_SIZE + info->length]); d->handleAdvertising(info, *rssi); pos += LE_ADVERTISING_INFO_SIZE + info->length + 1; num_reports--; } } } bool GatoCentralManagerPrivate::scanning() { // If the HCI device is open for any reason, it means we're scanning. return hci != -1; } bool GatoCentralManagerPrivate::openDevice() { hci = hci_open_dev(dev_id); if (hci == -1) { qErrnoWarning("Could not open device"); return false; } return true; } void GatoCentralManagerPrivate::closeDevice() { hci_close_dev(hci); hci = -1; } void GatoCentralManagerPrivate::handleAdvertising(le_advertising_info *info, int rssi) { Q_Q(GatoCentralManager); qDebug() << "Advertising event type" << info->evt_type << "address type" << info->bdaddr_type << "data length" << info->length << "rssi" << rssi; GatoAddress addr(info->bdaddr.b); GatoPeripheral *peripheral; QHash::iterator it = peripherals.find(addr); if (it == peripherals.end()) { peripheral = new GatoPeripheral(addr, q); peripherals.insert(addr, peripheral); } else { peripheral = *it; } if (info->length > 0) { peripheral->parseEIR(info->data, info->length); } emit q->discoveredPeripheral(peripheral, rssi); }