#include "harmaccuweather.h" using namespace sowatch; HarmAccuWeather::HarmAccuWeather(QObject *parent) : WeatherNotification(parent), _watcher(new QFileSystemWatcher(this)), _timer(new QTimer(this)), _lastUpdate(QDateTime::fromTime_t(0)) { // This only works on Harmattan either way, so I guess // hardcoding the path is OK. _watcher->addPath("/home/user/.config/AccuWeather, Inc./awxapp.conf"); connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), SLOT(fileChanged(QString))); _timer->setInterval(2000); _timer->setSingleShot(true); connect(_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(update())); // Perform an initial update update(); } QSettings* HarmAccuWeather::getAccuweatherData() { return new QSettings("AccuWeather, Inc.", "awxapp"); } Notification::Type HarmAccuWeather::type() const { return Notification::WeatherNotification; } uint HarmAccuWeather::count() const { return 1; } QDateTime HarmAccuWeather::dateTime() const { return _lastUpdate; } QString HarmAccuWeather::title() const { return _lastLocation; } QString HarmAccuWeather::body() const { switch (_lastWxCode) { case 1: case 2: return tr("Sunny"); case 3: case 4: case 5: return tr("Partly cloudy"); case 6: return tr("Mostly cloudy"); case 7: case 8: return tr("Cloudy"); case 11: return tr("Fog"); case 12: return tr("Light rain"); case 13: case 14: return tr("Light rain with sun"); case 18: case 26: return tr("Heavy rain"); case 15: case 16: return tr("Thunderstorm"); case 17: return tr("Thunderstorm with sun"); case 19: return tr("Light snow"); case 20: case 21: return tr("Light snow with sun"); case 22: return tr("Heavy snow"); case 29: return tr("Heavy rain and snow"); case 25: return tr("Blizzard"); case 30: return tr("Hot"); case 31: return tr("Cold"); case 32: return tr("Wind"); // Night versions case 33: case 34: return tr("Clear"); case 35: return tr("Partly cloudy"); case 36: case 37: return tr("Mostly cloudy"); case 38: return tr("Cloudy"); case 39: case 40: return tr("Light rain"); case 41: case 42: return tr("Thunderstorm"); case 43: return tr("Light snow"); case 44: return tr("Heavy snow"); default: return QString("? %1").arg(_lastWxCode); } } WeatherNotification::WeatherType HarmAccuWeather::forecast() { switch (_lastWxCode) { case 1: case 2: case 3: return Sunny; case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: return Cloudy; case 11: return Fog; case 12: case 13: case 14: case 18: case 26: return Rain; case 15: case 16: case 17: return Thunderstorm; case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 29: return Snow; // Night versions case 33: case 34: return Sunny; case 35: case 36: case 37: case 38: return Cloudy; case 39: case 40: return Rain; case 41: case 42: return Thunderstorm; case 43: case 44: return Snow; default: return UnknownWeather; } } int HarmAccuWeather::temperature() { return _lastTemp; } WeatherNotification::Unit HarmAccuWeather::temperatureUnits() { return _metric ? Celsius : Fahrenheit; } void HarmAccuWeather::activate() { // Launch accuweather? } void HarmAccuWeather::dismiss() { // Do nothing } void HarmAccuWeather::fileChanged(const QString &path) { Q_UNUSED(path); qDebug() << "accuweather config file changed"; _timer->start(); } void HarmAccuWeather::update() { QSettings* s = getAccuweatherData(); qDebug() << "reading accuweather config file"; QDateTime lastUpdate = s->value("LastUpdate").toDateTime(); if (lastUpdate > _lastUpdate) { _lastUpdate = lastUpdate; _metric = s->value("useMetric").toBool(); _lastTemp = s->value("LastTemp").toInt(); _lastLocation = s->value("LastLocation").toString(); _lastWxCode = s->value("LastWxCode").toInt(); qDebug() << "updated weather info" << _lastUpdate << _lastWxCode; emit changed(); } delete s; }