#include #include #include #include #include "watchplugininterface.h" #include "notificationplugininterface.h" #include "watchletplugininterface.h" #include "registry.h" using namespace sowatch; Registry* Registry::singleRegistry = 0; Registry* Registry::registry() { if (!singleRegistry) { singleRegistry = new Registry(); } return singleRegistry; } Registry::~Registry() { } Registry::Registry() : _watcher(new QFileSystemWatcher(this)) { _watcher->addPath(SOWATCH_DRIVERS_DIR); _watcher->addPath(SOWATCH_NOTIFICATIONS_DIR); _watcher->addPath(SOWATCH_WATCHLETS_DIR); loadDrivers(); loadNotificationProviders(); loadWatchlets(); connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handlePluginDirectoryChanged(QString))); connect(_watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handlePluginFileChanged(QString))); } void Registry::loadDrivers() { QDir dir(SOWATCH_DRIVERS_DIR); foreach (QString entry, dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QString file = dir.absoluteFilePath(entry); loadDriver(file); } qDebug() << "loaded drivers" << _driverIds.keys(); } void Registry::loadNotificationProviders() { QDir dir(SOWATCH_NOTIFICATIONS_DIR); foreach (QString entry, dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QString file = dir.absoluteFilePath(entry); loadNotificationProvider(file); } qDebug() << "loaded notification providers" << _providerIds.keys(); } void Registry::loadWatchlets() { QDir dir(SOWATCH_WATCHLETS_DIR); foreach (QString entry, dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QString file = dir.absoluteFilePath(entry); loadWatchlet(file); } qDebug() << "loaded watchlets" << _watchletIds.keys(); } void Registry::loadDriver(const QString &file) { QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader(file, this); QObject *pluginObj = loader->instance(); if (pluginObj) { WatchPluginInterface *plugin = qobject_cast(pluginObj); if (plugin) { _driverFiles[file] = loader; _drivers += plugin; QStringList drivers = plugin->drivers(); foreach (const QString& driver, drivers) { _driverIds[driver] = plugin; } _watcher->addPath(file); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid plugin" << file; loader->unload(); delete loader; } } else { qWarning() << "Invalid plugin" << file << loader->errorString(); loader->unload(); delete loader; } } void Registry::loadNotificationProvider(const QString &file) { QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader(file, this); QObject *pluginObj = loader->instance(); if (pluginObj) { NotificationPluginInterface *plugin = qobject_cast(pluginObj); if (plugin) { _providerFiles[file] = loader; _providers += plugin; QStringList providers = plugin->providers(); foreach (const QString& provider, providers) { _providerIds[provider] = plugin; } _watcher->addPath(file); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid plugin" << file; loader->unload(); delete loader; } } else { qWarning() << "Invalid plugin" << file << loader->errorString(); loader->unload(); delete loader; } } void Registry::loadWatchlet(const QString &file) { QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader(file, this); QObject *pluginObj = loader->instance(); if (pluginObj) { WatchletPluginInterface *plugin = qobject_cast(pluginObj); if (plugin) { _watchletFiles[file] = loader; _watchlets += plugin; QStringList watchlets = plugin->watchlets(); foreach (const QString& watchlet, watchlets) { _watchletIds[watchlet] = plugin; } _watcher->addPath(file); } else { qWarning() << "Invalid plugin" << file; loader->unload(); delete loader; } } else { qWarning() << "Invalid plugin" << file << loader->errorString(); loader->unload(); delete loader; } } void Registry::unloadDriver(QPluginLoader *loader) { QString file = loader->fileName(); WatchPluginInterface *plugin = qobject_cast(loader->instance()); QStringList drivers = plugin->drivers(); foreach (const QString& driver, drivers) { _driverIds.remove(driver); } _drivers.removeAll(plugin); _driverFiles.remove(file); _watcher->removePath(file); // loader->unload(); // TODO : Signal loss of a plugin so that servers can remove it before // we unload it. } void Registry::unloadNotificationProvider(QPluginLoader *loader) { QString file = loader->fileName(); NotificationPluginInterface *plugin = qobject_cast(loader->instance()); QStringList providers = plugin->providers(); foreach (const QString& provider, providers) { _providerIds.remove(provider); } _providers.removeAll(plugin); _providerFiles.remove(file); _watcher->removePath(file); } void Registry::unloadWatchlet(QPluginLoader *loader) { QString file = loader->fileName(); WatchletPluginInterface *plugin = qobject_cast(loader->instance()); QStringList watchlets = plugin->watchlets(); foreach (const QString& watchlet, watchlets) { _watchletIds.remove(watchlet); } _watchlets.removeAll(plugin); _watchletFiles.remove(file); _watcher->removePath(file); } void Registry::handlePluginDirectoryChanged(const QString &path) { // If the directory changed, rescan it to load new discover new plugins. if (path == SOWATCH_DRIVERS_DIR) { QDir dir(path); foreach (QString entry, dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QString file = dir.absoluteFilePath(entry); if (!_driverFiles.contains(file)) { loadDriver(file); } } } else if (path == SOWATCH_NOTIFICATIONS_DIR) { QDir dir(path); foreach (QString entry, dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QString file = dir.absoluteFilePath(entry); if (!_providerFiles.contains(file)) { loadNotificationProvider(file); } } } else if (path == SOWATCH_WATCHLETS_DIR) { QDir dir(path); foreach (QString entry, dir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QString file = dir.absoluteFilePath(entry); if (!_watchletFiles.contains(file)) { loadWatchlet(file); } } } } void Registry::handlePluginFileChanged(const QString &file) { QFile f(file); if (_driverFiles.contains(file)) { unloadDriver(_driverFiles[file]); } if (_providerFiles.contains(file)) { unloadNotificationProvider(_providerFiles[file]); } if (_watchletFiles.contains(file)) { unloadWatchlet(_watchletFiles[file]); } }