#include #include "liveview.h" using namespace sowatch; QTM_USE_NAMESPACE #define PROTOCOL_DEBUG 1 LiveView::LiveView(ConfigKey* settings, QObject* parent) : BluetoothWatch(QBluetoothAddress(settings->value("address").toString()), parent), _settings(settings->getSubkey(QString(), this)), _sendTimer(new QTimer(this)) { _sendTimer->setInterval(DelayBetweenMessages); connect(_sendTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(handleSendTimerTick())); _24hMode = settings->value("24h-mode", false).toBool(); _buttons << "Select" << "Up" << "Down" << "Left" << "Right"; } LiveView::~LiveView() { } QPaintEngine* LiveView::paintEngine() const { return 0; // TODO } int LiveView::metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const { return 0; // TODO } QString LiveView::model() const { return "liveview"; } QStringList LiveView::buttons() const { return _buttons; } bool LiveView::busy() const { return !_connected || _socket->state() != QBluetoothSocket::ConnectedState || _sendingMsgs.size() > 20; } void LiveView::setDateTime(const QDateTime& dateTime) { // It seems LiveView _requests_ the current date rather than expecting // the phone to be sending it. // Wonder what will happen during DST changes? // Do nothing here. } void LiveView::queryDateTime() { // LiveView does not support this. } QDateTime LiveView::dateTime() const { return QDateTime::currentDateTime(); } void LiveView::queryBatteryLevel() { // LiveView does not seem to support this. } int LiveView::batteryLevel() const { return 100; } void LiveView::queryCharging() { // LiveView does not seem to support this. } bool LiveView::charging() const { return false; } void LiveView::displayIdleScreen() { } void LiveView::displayNotification(Notification *notification) { } void LiveView::displayApplication() { } void LiveView::vibrate(int msecs) { } void LiveView::setupBluetoothWatch() { connect(_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(handleDataReceived())); updateDisplayProperties(); refreshMenu(); } void LiveView::desetupBluetoothWatch() { } void LiveView::refreshMenu() { setMenuSize(2); } void LiveView::send(const Message &msg) { _sendingMsgs.enqueue(msg); if (!_sendTimer->isActive()) { _sendTimer->start(); } } void LiveView::sendResponse(MessageType type, ResponseType response) { send(Message(type, QByteArray(0, static_cast(response)))); } void LiveView::updateDisplayProperties() { static const char *software_version = "0.0.3"; send(Message(GetDisplayProperties, QByteArray(software_version, strlen(software_version) + 1))); } void LiveView::updateSoftwareVersion() { send(Message(GetSoftwareVersion, QByteArray(1, 0))); } void LiveView::setMenuSize(unsigned char size) { send(Message(SetMenuSize, QByteArray(1, size))); } void LiveView::sendMenuItem(unsigned char id, bool alert, unsigned short unread, const QString& text, const QByteArray& image) { QByteArray data(1 + 2 * 3 + 2 + 2 * 3, 0); data[0] = alert ? 1 : 0; //data[1,2] // Unknown data[3] = (unread & 0xFF00U) >> 8; data[4] = (unread & 0x00FFU); //data[5,6] // Unknown data[7] = id + 3; //data[8] // Unknown //data[9,10] // Unknown //data[11,12] // Unknown quint16 text_length = text.length(); data[13] = (text_length & 0xFF00U) >> 8; data[14] = (text_length & 0x00FFU); data.append(text.toLatin1()); data.append(image); send(Message(MenuItemResponse, data)); } void LiveView::enableLed(const QColor& color, unsigned short delay, unsigned short time) { QByteArray data; quint16 rgb; rgb |= ((color.red() & 0xF8) << 8); rgb |= ((color.green() & 0xFC) << 3); rgb |= ((color.blue() & 0xF8) >> 3); data.append((rgb & 0xFF00U) >> 8); data.append(rgb & 0x00FFU); data.append((delay & 0xFF00U) >> 8); data.append(delay & 0x00FFU); data.append((time & 0xFF00U) >> 8); data.append(time & 0x00FFU); send(Message(EnableLed, data)); } void LiveView::handleMessage(const Message &msg) { send(Message(Ack, QByteArray(1, msg.type))); switch (msg.type) { case DeviceStatusChange: handleDeviceStatusChange(msg); break; case MenuItemRequest: handleMenuItemRequest(msg); break; case NotificationRequest: handleNotificationRequest(msg); break; case Navigation: handleNavigation(msg); break; case MenuItemsRequest: handleMenuItemsRequest(msg); break; case DateTimeRequest: handleDateTimeRequest(msg); break; case EnableLedResponse: // Nothing to do break; case GetDisplayPropertiesResponse: handleDisplayProperties(msg); break; case GetSoftwareVersionResponse: handleSoftwareVersion(msg); break; default: qWarning() << "Received unknown LiveView message" << msg.type; } } void LiveView::handleDeviceStatusChange(const Message &msg) { if (msg.data.size() == 1) { DeviceStatus status = static_cast(msg.data.at(0)); qDebug() << "liveview device status change" << status; switch (status) { case DeviceOn: refreshMenu(); break; default: break; } } sendResponse(DeviceStatusChangeResponse, ResponseOk); } void LiveView::handleMenuItemRequest(const Message &msg) { Q_UNUSED(msg); // TODO qWarning() << "TODO" << Q_FUNC_INFO; } void LiveView::handleNotificationRequest(const Message &msg) { // TODO sendResponse(NotificationResponse, ResponseError); // TODO Crashes the watch } void LiveView::handleNavigation(const Message &msg) { // TODO sendResponse(NavigationResponse, ResponseOk); } void LiveView::handleMenuItemsRequest(const Message &msg) { qDebug() << "Sending menu items"; QFile icon_file; icon_file.setFileName(SOWATCH_RESOURCES_DIR "/liveview/graphics/menu_notifications.png"); icon_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); sendMenuItem(0, false, 4, tr("Notifications"), icon_file.readAll()); icon_file.close(); icon_file.setFileName(SOWATCH_RESOURCES_DIR "/liveview/graphics/menu_missed_calls.png"); icon_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); sendMenuItem(1, false, 1, tr("Missed calls"), icon_file.readAll()); icon_file.close(); } void LiveView::handleDateTimeRequest(const Message &msg) { QByteArray data(5, 0); Q_UNUSED(msg); QDateTime time = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); time.setTimeSpec(Qt::UTC); quint32 timestamp = time.toTime_t(); data[0] = (timestamp & 0xFF000000U) >> 24; data[1] = (timestamp & 0x00FF0000U) >> 16; data[2] = (timestamp & 0x0000FF00U) >> 8; data[3] = (timestamp & 0x000000FFU); data[4] = _24hMode ? 1 : 0; send(Message(DateTimeResponse, data)); } void LiveView::handleDisplayProperties(const Message &msg) { // For some reason firmware expects us to send this message right // after display properties // Otherwise the watch hangs up the connection updateSoftwareVersion(); Q_UNUSED(msg); } void LiveView::handleSoftwareVersion(const Message &msg) { qDebug() << "LiveView software version is" << QString::fromAscii(msg.data.constData(), msg.data.size()); } void LiveView::handleDataReceived() { #pragma pack(push) #pragma pack(1) static const int HEADER_SIZE = 6; union header_t { char c[HEADER_SIZE]; struct header_fields_t { quint8 msg_type; quint8 header_len; quint32 data_len; } h; } header; #pragma pack(pop) Q_ASSERT(sizeof(header) == HEADER_SIZE); do { qint64 dataRead; qDebug() << "received" << _socket->bytesAvailable() << "bytes"; if (_receivingMsg.type == NoMessage) { /* Still not received even the packet type */ /* Receive the full header. */ if (_socket->bytesAvailable() < HEADER_SIZE) { /* Still not enough data available. */ return; /* Wait for more, if non blocking. */ } dataRead = _socket->read(header.c, HEADER_SIZE); if (dataRead < HEADER_SIZE) { qWarning() << "Short read"; return; } _receivingMsg.type = static_cast(header.h.msg_type); if (header.h.header_len != HEADER_SIZE - 2) { qWarning() << "Unexpected header length:" << header.h.header_len; } unsigned long data_size = qFromBigEndian(header.h.data_len); if (data_size > 1048576) { // If input packet is > 1 MiB, consider a protocol error. qWarning() << "Too large data size: " << data_size; data_size = 0; } _receivingMsg.data.resize(data_size); qDebug() << "got header (type=" << _receivingMsg.type << "size=" << data_size << ")"; } /* We have the header; now, try to get the complete packet. */ if (_socket->bytesAvailable() < _receivingMsg.data.size()) { return; /* Wait for more. */ } dataRead = _socket->read(_receivingMsg.data.data(), _receivingMsg.data.size()); if (dataRead < _receivingMsg.data.size()) { qWarning() << "Short read"; return; } #if PROTOCOL_DEBUG qDebug() << "received" << _receivingMsg.type << _receivingMsg.data.toHex(); #endif handleMessage(_receivingMsg); // Prepare for the next packet _receivingMsg.data.clear(); _receivingMsg.type = NoMessage; } while (_socket->bytesAvailable() > 0); } void LiveView::handleSendTimerTick() { static const int HEADER_SIZE = 6; // If there are packets to be sent... if (!_sendingMsgs.empty()) { // Send a message to the watch Message msg = _sendingMsgs.dequeue(); const quint32 data_size = msg.data.size(); QByteArray packet; Q_ASSERT(_connected && _socket); packet.resize(HEADER_SIZE + data_size); packet[0] = msg.type; packet[1] = HEADER_SIZE - 2; packet[2] = (data_size & 0xFF000000U) >> 24; packet[3] = (data_size & 0x00FF0000U) >> 16; packet[4] = (data_size & 0x0000FF00U) >> 8; packet[5] = (data_size & 0x000000FFU); packet.replace(HEADER_SIZE, data_size, msg.data); #if PROTOCOL_DEBUG qDebug() << "sending" << packet.toHex(); #endif _socket->write(packet); } // If we just finished sending all packets... if (_sendingMsgs.empty()) { // Stop the send timer to save battery _sendTimer->stop(); } }