#ifndef METAWATCH_H #define METAWATCH_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "watch.h" using QTM_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QBluetoothSocket); using QTM_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QBluetoothAddress); using QTM_PREPEND_NAMESPACE(QSystemAlignedTimer); namespace sowatch { class MetaWatchPaintEngine; class MetaWatch : public Watch { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MetaWatch(const QBluetoothAddress& address, QSettings* settings = 0, QObject *parent = 0); ~MetaWatch(); enum MessageType { NoMessage = 0, GetDeviceType = 0x01, GetDeviceTypeResponse = 0x02, GetInformationString = 0x03, GetInformationStringResponse = 0x04, AdvanceWatchHands = 0x20, SetVibrateMode = 0x23, SetRealTimeClock = 0x26, GetRealTimeClock = 0x27, GetRealTimeClockResponse = 0x28, StatusChangeEvent = 0x33, ButtonEvent = 0x34, WriteBuffer = 0x40, ConfigureMode = 0x41, ConfigureIdleBufferSize = 0x42, UpdateDisplay = 0x43, LoadTemplate = 0x44, EnableButton = 0x46, DisableButton = 0x47, ReadButtonConfiguration = 0x48, ReadButtonConfigurationResponse = 0x49, BatteryConfiguration = 0x53, LowBatteryWarning = 0x54, LowBatteryBluetoothOff = 0x55, ReadBatteryVoltage = 0x56, ReadBatteryVoltageResponse = 0x57, Accelerometer = 0xea }; enum Mode { IdleMode = 0, ApplicationMode = 1, NotificationMode = 2 }; enum Button { BtnA = 0, BtnB, BtnC, BtnD, BtnE, BtnF }; enum ButtonPress { PressOnly = 0, PressAndRelease = 1, HoldAndRelease = 2, LongHoldAndRelease = 3 }; QPaintEngine* paintEngine() const; int metric(PaintDeviceMetric metric) const = 0; QString model() const; QStringList buttons() const; bool isConnected() const; bool busy() const; QDateTime dateTime(); void setDateTime(const QDateTime& dateTime); void grabButton(int button); void ungrabButton(int button); void updateNotificationCount(Notification::Type type, int count); void displayIdleScreen(); void displayNotification(Notification *notification); void displayApplication(); void vibrate(int msecs); Mode currentMode() const; Mode paintTargetMode() const; QImage* imageFor(Mode mode); QRect rectFor(Mode mode); virtual void clear(Mode mode, bool black = false) = 0; virtual void update(Mode mode, const QList& rects = QList()) = 0; void grabButton(Mode mode, Button button); void ungrabButton(Mode mode, Button button); protected: // Some configurable stuff. bool _24hMode : 1; bool _dayMonthOrder : 1; bool _invertedIdle : 1; bool _invertedNotifications : 1; bool _invertedApplications : 1; short _notificationTimeout; // Notifications: timers QTimer* _idleTimer; QTimer* _ringTimer; // Buttons static const char btnToWatch[8]; QStringList _buttonNames; // Current watch state Mode _currentMode; Mode _paintMode; // For QPaintDevice mutable MetaWatchPaintEngine* _paintEngine; QImage _image[3]; // Timers to retry the connection when the watch is not found. static const int connectRetryTimesSize = 6; static const int connectRetryTimes[connectRetryTimesSize]; short _connectRetries; bool _connected; QTimer* _connectTimer; QSystemAlignedTimer* _connectAlignedTimer; // Connection stuff QBluetoothAddress _address; QBluetoothSocket* _socket; // Base watch protocol stuff struct Message { MessageType type; quint8 options; QByteArray data; Message(MessageType ntype = NoMessage, QByteArray ndata = QByteArray(), quint8 noptions = 0) : type(ntype), options(noptions), data(ndata) { } }; QQueue _toSend; QTimer* _sendTimer; Message _partialReceived; static const quint8 bitRevTable[16]; static const quint16 crcTable[256]; static quint16 calcCrc(const QByteArray& data, int size); static quint16 calcCrc(const Message& msg); void send(const Message& msg); void setVibrateMode(bool enable, uint on, uint off, uint cycles); void updateLine(Mode mode, const QImage& image, int line); void updateLines(Mode mode, const QImage& image, int lineA, int lineB); void updateLines(Mode mode, const QImage& image, const QVector& lines); void configureWatchMode(Mode mode, int timeout, bool invert); void configureIdleSystemArea(bool entireScreen); void updateDisplay(Mode mode, bool copy = true); void loadTemplate(Mode mode, int templ); void enableButton(Mode mode, Button button, ButtonPress press); void disableButton(Mode mode, Button button, ButtonPress press); virtual void handleWatchConnected() = 0; virtual void handleStatusChange(const Message& msg); virtual void handleButtonEvent(const Message& msg); private slots: void handleMessage(const Message& msg); void socketConnected(); void socketDisconnected(); void socketData(); void socketError(QBluetoothSocket::SocketError error); void socketState(QBluetoothSocket::SocketState error); void retryConnect(); void timedSend(); void timedRing(); private: void realSend(const Message& msg); void realReceive(bool block); }; } #endif // METAWATCH_H