#include <QtCore/QDebug> #include <QtGui/QPainter> #include "metawatchdigitalsimulator.h" #define SIMULATE_DAMAGES 1 #define SIMULATE_FRAMERATE 1 using namespace sowatch; MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::MetaWatchDigitalSimulator(ConfigKey *config, QObject *parent) : MetaWatchDigital(config, parent), _form(new MetaWatchDigitalSimulatorForm), _nextFrame(QTime::currentTime()) { _pixmap[IdleMode] = QPixmap(screenWidth, screenHeight); _pixmap[ApplicationMode] = QPixmap(screenWidth, screenHeight); _pixmap[NotificationMode] = QPixmap(screenWidth, screenHeight); // Connect form signals connect(_form, SIGNAL(buttonPressed(int)), SIGNAL(buttonPressed(int))); connect(_form, SIGNAL(buttonReleased(int)), SIGNAL(buttonReleased(int))); connect(_form, SIGNAL(buttonPressed(int)), SLOT(handleButtonPressed(int))); connect(_form, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(handleFormDestroyed())); // Show the form _form->showNormal(); // Schedule a connection even if BT is off or anything like that. scheduleConnect(); } MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::~MetaWatchDigitalSimulator() { _connected = false; delete _form; } bool MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::busy() const { #if SIMULATE_FRAMERATE return _nextFrame > QTime::currentTime(); #else return false; #endif } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::displayIdleScreen() { MetaWatchDigital::displayIdleScreen(); _form->refreshScreen(_pixmap[_currentMode]); } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::displayNotification(Notification *notification) { MetaWatchDigital::displayNotification(notification); _form->refreshScreen(_pixmap[_currentMode]); } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::displayApplication() { MetaWatchDigital::displayApplication(); // No need to refresh. } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::clear(Mode mode, bool black) { _pixmap[mode].fill(black ? Qt::black : Qt::white); if (mode == _currentMode) { _form->refreshScreen(_pixmap[mode]); } } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::update(Mode mode, const QList<QRect> &rects) { #if SIMULATE_DAMAGES const QRect imageRect = _image[mode].rect(); QPainter p; QVector<bool> rows(96, false); p.begin(&_pixmap[mode]); foreach (const QRect& rect, rects) { QRect r = rect.intersect(imageRect); for (int i = r.top(); i <= r.bottom(); i++) { rows[i] = true; } p.drawImage(r, _image[mode], r); } if (mode == IdleMode) { QRect systemArea(0, 0, screenWidth, systemAreaHeight); p.fillRect(systemArea, Qt::BDiagPattern); p.drawText(systemArea, Qt::AlignCenter, "System area"); } p.end(); int totalRows = rows.count(true); qDebug() << "updated" << totalRows << "lines"; _nextFrame = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(((totalRows / 2) + 1) * DelayBetweenMessages); #else Q_UNUSED(rects); _pixmap[mode] = QPixmap::fromImage(_image[mode]); _nextFrame = QTime::currentTime().addMSecs(DelayBetweenMessages); #endif if (mode == _currentMode) { _form->refreshScreen(_pixmap[mode]); } } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::vibrate(bool on) { qDebug() << "vibrate" << on; } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::connectToWatch() { // Skip BluetoothWatch connection stuff if (!_connected && _form) { qDebug() << "simulator connected"; _connected = true; _currentMode = IdleMode; _paintMode = IdleMode; MetaWatchDigital::setupBluetoothWatch(); emit connected(); } } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::send(const Message &msg) { // Do not send messages Q_UNUSED(msg); } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::handleFormDestroyed() { if (_connected) { _connected = false; qDebug() << "simulator disconnected"; emit disconnected(); _form = 0; } } void MetaWatchDigitalSimulator::handleButtonPressed(int button) { if (button == BtnA) { emit nextWatchletRequested(); } }