#include #include "watchesmodel.h" using namespace sowatch; WatchesModel::WatchesModel(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent), _config(new GConfKey("/apps/sowatch", this)), _active_watches(_config->getSubkey("active-watches", this)), _daemon(new DaemonProxy("com.javispedro.sowatchd", "/com/javispedro/sowatch/daemon", QDBusConnection::sessionBus())) { QHash roles = roleNames(); roles[Qt::DisplayRole] = QByteArray("title"); roles[Qt::StatusTipRole] = QByteArray("subtitle"); roles[ObjectRole] = QByteArray("object"); roles[ConfigKeyRole] = QByteArray("configKey"); roles[ConfigQmlUrlRole] = QByteArray("configQmlUrl"); setRoleNames(roles); connect(_config, SIGNAL(changed()), this, SLOT(handleConfigChanged())); connect(_config, SIGNAL(subkeyChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(handleSubkeyChanged(QString))); connect(_daemon, SIGNAL(WatchStatusChanged(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(handleWatchStatusChanged(QString,QString))); reload(); } WatchesModel::~WatchesModel() { } int WatchesModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return _list.count(); } QVariant WatchesModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { ConfigKey *config = _list[index.row()]; QString key = config->key(); QString id = key.mid(key.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return config->value("name"); case Qt::StatusTipRole: if (isWatchIdActive(id)) { QString status = _status[id]; if (status == "connected") { return QVariant(tr("Connected")); } else if (status == "enabled") { return QVariant(tr("Searching...")); } else { return QVariant(tr("Enabled")); } } else { return QVariant(tr("Disabled")); } case ConfigKeyRole: return QVariant::fromValue(key); case ConfigQmlUrlRole: if (config->isSet("driver")) { QString driver = config->value("driver").toString(); WatchPluginInterface *plugin = Registry::registry()->getWatchPlugin(driver); if (plugin) { return QVariant::fromValue(plugin->getConfigQmlUrl(driver)); } } return QVariant::fromValue(QUrl()); } return QVariant(); } bool WatchesModel::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(row); Q_UNUSED(count); Q_UNUSED(parent); return false; // TODO } void WatchesModel::addFoundWatch(const QVariantMap &info) { QStringList existing = _config->dirs(); QString base = "watch%1"; QString name = base.arg(""); int num = 1; while (existing.contains(name)) { num++; name = base.arg(num); } // Load the autodetected settings ConfigKey* newkey = _config->getSubkey(name); foreach (const QString& key, info.keys()) { newkey->set(key, info[key]); } // Set some defaults Registry *registry = Registry::registry(); foreach (const QStringList& providerId, registry->allNotificationProviders()) { qDebug() << "Would add" << providerId; } // Now add to active watches QStringList active = _active_watches->value().toStringList(); active << name; _active_watches->set(active); } void WatchesModel::reload() { QStringList dirs = _config->dirs(); beginResetModel(); foreach (ConfigKey* conf, _list) { conf->deleteLater(); } _status.clear(); _list.clear(); foreach (const QString& s, dirs) { _list.append(_config->getSubkey(s, this)); QDBusReply reply = _daemon->GetWatchStatus(s); if (reply.isValid()) { _status[s] = reply.value(); } } endResetModel(); qDebug() << "Found" << _list.count() << "configured watches"; } void WatchesModel::handleConfigChanged() { qDebug() << "Key changed"; } void WatchesModel::handleSubkeyChanged(const QString &subkey) { QRegExp nameexp("^([^/]+)/name"); if (nameexp.exactMatch(subkey)) { qDebug() << "Name key changed:" << subkey; QString id = nameexp.cap(1); int i = findRowByWatchId(id); if (i != -1) { if (_config->value(subkey).isNull()) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i); _list[i]->deleteLater(); _list.removeAt(i); qDebug() << "Removing" << i; endRemoveRows(); } else { emit dataChanged(createIndex(i, 0), createIndex(i, 0)); qDebug() << "Changing" << i; } } else { i = _list.size(); qDebug() << "Inserting" << i; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), i, i); _list.append(_config->getSubkey(id, this)); endInsertRows(); } } } void WatchesModel::handleWatchStatusChanged(const QString &watch, const QString &status) { _status[watch] = status; int i = findRowByWatchId(watch); if (i != -1) { emit dataChanged(createIndex(i, 0), createIndex(i, 0)); } } int WatchesModel::findRowByWatchId(const QString &id) { QString pattern(_config->key() + "/" + id); for (int i = 0; i < _list.size(); i++) { if (_list[i]->key().endsWith("/" + id)) { return i; } } return -1; } bool WatchesModel::isWatchIdActive(const QString &id) const { QStringList active = _active_watches->value().toStringList(); return active.contains(id); }