--------M-330000----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE - RESET DRIVER AND READ STATUS AX = 0000h Return: AX = status 0000h hardware/driver not installed FFFFh hardware/driver installed BX = number of buttons 0000h other than two 0002h two buttons (many drivers) 0003h Mouse Systems/Logitech three-button mouse FFFFh two buttons Notes: since INT 33 might be uninitialized on old machines, the caller should first check that INT 33 is neither 0000h:0000h nor points at an IRET instruction (BYTE CFh) before calling this API to use mouse on a Hercules-compatible monographics card in graphics mode, you must first set 0040h:0049h to 6 for page 0 or 5 for page 1, and then call this function. Logitech drivers v5.01 and v6.00 reportedly do not correctly use Hercules graphics in dual-monitor systems, while version 4.10 does. the Logitech mouse driver contains the signature string "LOGITECH" three bytes past the interrupt handler; many of the Logitech mouse utilities check for this signature. Logitech MouseWare v6.30 reportedly does not support CGA video modes if no CGA is present when it is started and the video board is later switched into CGA emulation SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=0021h,AX=002Fh,INT 62/AX=007Ah,INT 74 --------M-330001----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - SHOW MOUSE CURSOR AX = 0001h SeeAlso: AX=0002h,INT 16/AX=FFFEh,INT 62/AX=007Bh,INT 6F/AH=06h"F_TRACK_ON" --------M-330002----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - HIDE MOUSE CURSOR AX = 0002h Note: multiple calls to hide the cursor will require multiple calls to function 01h to unhide it. SeeAlso: AX=0001h,AX=0010h,INT 16/AX=FFFFh,INT 62/AX=007Bh SeeAlso: INT 6F/AH=08h"F_TRACK_OFF" --------M-330003----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - RETURN POSITION AND BUTTON STATUS AX = 0003h Return: BX = button status (see #03168) CX = column DX = row Note: in text modes, all coordinates are specified as multiples of the cell size, typically 8x8 pixels SeeAlso: AX=0004h,AX=000Bh,INT 2F/AX=D000h"ZWmous" Bitfields for mouse button status: Bit(s) Description (Table 03168) 0 left button pressed if 1 1 right button pressed if 1 2 middle button pressed if 1 (Mouse Systems/Logitech/Genius) --------M-330004----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - POSITION MOUSE CURSOR AX = 0004h CX = column DX = row Note: the row and column are truncated to the next lower multiple of the cell size (typically 8x8 in text modes); however, some versions of the Microsoft documentation incorrectly state that the coordinates are rounded SeeAlso: AX=0003h,INT 62/AX=0081h,INT 6F/AH=10h"F_PUT_SPRITE" --------M-330005----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - RETURN BUTTON PRESS DATA AX = 0005h BX = button number (see #03169) Return: AX = button states (see #03168) BX = number of times specified button has been pressed since last call CX = column at time specified button was last pressed DX = row at time specified button was last pressed Note: at least for the Genius mouse driver, the number of button presses returned is limited to 7FFFh SeeAlso: AX=0006h,INT 62/AX=007Ch (Table 03169) Values for mouse button number: 0000h left 0001h right 0002h middle (Mouse Systems/Logitech/Genius mouse) --------M-330006----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - RETURN BUTTON RELEASE DATA AX = 0006h BX = button number (see #03169) Return: AX = button states (see #03168) BX = number of times specified button has been released since last call CX = column at time specified button was last released DX = row at time specified button was last released Note: at least for the Genius mouse driver, the number of button releases returned is limited to 7FFFh SeeAlso: AX=0005h,INT 62/AX=007Ch --------M-330007----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - DEFINE HORIZONTAL CURSOR RANGE AX = 0007h CX = minimum column DX = maximum column Note: in text modes, the minimum and maximum columns are truncated to the next lower multiple of the cell size, typically 8x8 pixels SeeAlso: AX=0008h,AX=0010h,AX=0031h,INT 62/AX=0080h SeeAlso: INT 6F/AH=0Ch"F_SET_LIMITS_X" --------M-330008----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - DEFINE VERTICAL CURSOR RANGE AX = 0008h CX = minimum row DX = maximum row Note: in text modes, the minimum and maximum rows are truncated to the next lower multiple of the cell size, typically 8x8 pixels SeeAlso: AX=0007h,AX=0010h,AX=0031h,INT 62/AX=0080h SeeAlso: INT 6F/AH=0Eh"F_SET_LIMITS_Y" --------M-330009----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v3.0+ - DEFINE GRAPHICS CURSOR AX = 0009h BX = column of cursor hot spot in bitmap (-16 to 16) CX = row of cursor hot spot (-16 to 16) ES:DX -> mask bitmap (see #03170) Notes: in graphics modes, the screen contents around the current mouse cursor position are ANDed with the screen mask and then XORed with the cursor mask the Microsoft mouse driver v7.04 and v8.20 uses only BL and CL, so the hot spot row/column should be limited to -128..127 Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q19850 states that the high bit is right-most, but that statement is contradicted by all other available documentation SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=0012h,AX=002Ah,INT 62/AX=007Fh,INT 6F/AH=0Ah"F_DEF_MASKS" Format of mouse mask bitmap: Offset Size Description (Table 03170) 00h 16 WORDs screen mask 10h 16 WORDs cursor mask Note: each word defines the sixteen pixels of a row, low bit rightmost --------M-33000A----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v3.0+ - DEFINE TEXT CURSOR AX = 000Ah BX = hardware/software text cursor 0000h software CX = screen mask DX = cursor mask 0001h hardware CX = start scan line DX = end scan line Note: when the software cursor is selected, the character/attribute data at the current screen position is ANDed with the screen mask and then XORed with the cursor mask SeeAlso: AX=0009h,INT 62/AX=007Eh --------M-33000B----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - READ MOTION COUNTERS AX = 000Bh Return: CX = number of mickeys mouse moved horizontally since last call DX = number of mickeys mouse moved vertically Notes: a mickey is the smallest increment the mouse can sense positive values indicate down/right SeeAlso: AX=0003h,AX=001Bh,AX=0027h --------M-33000C----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - DEFINE INTERRUPT SUBROUTINE PARAMETERS AX = 000Ch CX = call mask (see #03171) ES:DX -> FAR routine (see #03172) SeeAlso: AX=0018h Bitfields for mouse call mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 03171) 0 call if mouse moves 1 call if left button pressed 2 call if left button released 3 call if right button pressed 4 call if right button released 5 call if middle button pressed (Mouse Systems/Logitech/Genius mouse) 6 call if middle button released (Mouse Systems/Logitech/Genius mouse) 7-15 unused Note: some versions of the Microsoft documentation incorrectly state that CX bit 0 means call if mouse cursor moves (Table 03172) Values interrupt routine is called with: AX = condition mask (same bit assignments as call mask) BX = button state CX = cursor column DX = cursor row SI = horizontal mickey count DI = vertical mickey count Notes: some versions of the Microsoft documentation erroneously swap the meanings of SI and DI in text modes, the row and column will be reported as a multiple of the character cell size, typically 8x8 pixels --------M-33000D----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - LIGHT PEN EMULATION ON AX = 000Dh SeeAlso: AX=000Eh,INT 10/AH=04h --------M-33000E----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - LIGHT PEN EMULATION OFF AX = 000Eh SeeAlso: AX=000Dh --------M-33000F----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - DEFINE MICKEY/PIXEL RATIO AX = 000Fh CX = number of mickeys per 8 pixels horizontally (default 8) DX = number of mickeys per 8 pixels vertically (default 16) SeeAlso: AX=0013h,AX=001Ah,INT 62/AX=0082h --------M-330010----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v1.0+ - DEFINE SCREEN REGION FOR UPDATING AX = 0010h CX,DX = X,Y coordinates of upper left corner SI,DI = X,Y coordinates of lower right corner Note: mouse cursor is hidden in the specified region, and needs to be explicitly turned on again SeeAlso: AX=0001h,AX=0002h,AX=0007h,AX=0010h"Genius MOUSE",AX=0031h --------M-330012----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE - SET LARGE GRAPHICS CURSOR BLOCK AX = 0012h BH = cursor width in words CH = rows in cursor BL = horizontal hot spot (-16 to 16) CL = vertical hot spot (-16 to 16) ES:DX -> bit map of screen and cursor maps Return: AX = FFFFh if successful SeeAlso: AX=0009h,AX=002Ah,AX=0035h --------M-330013----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v5.0+ - DEFINE DOUBLE-SPEED THRESHOLD AX = 0013h DX = threshold speed in mickeys/second, 0000h = default of 64/second Note: if speed exceeds threshold, the cursor's on-screen motion is doubled SeeAlso: AX=000Fh,AX=001Bh,AX=002Ch --------M-330014----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v3.0+ - EXCHANGE INTERRUPT SUBROUTINES AX = 0014h CX = call mask (see #03171) ES:DX -> FAR routine Return: CX = call mask of previous interrupt routine ES:DX = FAR address of previous interrupt routine SeeAlso: AX=000Ch,AX=0018h --------M-330015----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - RETURN DRIVER STORAGE REQUIREMENTS AX = 0015h Return: BX = size of buffer needed to store driver state SeeAlso: AX=0016h,AX=0017h,AX=0042h --------M-330016----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - SAVE DRIVER STATE AX = 0016h BX = size of buffer (see AX=0015h) ES:DX -> buffer for driver state Note: although not documented (since the Microsoft driver does not use it), many drivers appear to require BX on input SeeAlso: AX=0015h,AX=0017h --------M-330017----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - RESTORE DRIVER STATE AX = 0017h BX = size of buffer (see AX=0015h) ES:DX -> buffer containing saved state Notes: although not documented (since the Microsoft driver does not use it), many drivers appear to require BX on input some mouse drivers range-check the values in the saved state based on the current video mode; thus, the video mode should be restored before the mouse driver's state is restored SeeAlso: AX=0015h,AX=0016h --------M-330018----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - SET ALTERNATE MOUSE USER HANDLER AX = 0018h CX = call mask (see #03174) ES:DX -> FAR routine to be invoked on mouse events (see #03175) Return: AX = status 0018h if successful FFFFh on error Notes: up to three handlers can be defined by separate calls to this function, each with a different combination of shift states in the call mask; calling this function again with a call mask of 0000h undefines the specified handler (official documentation); specifying the same call mask and an address of 0000h:0000h undefines the handler (real life) some versions of the documentation erroneously reverse the order of the bits in the call mask SeeAlso: AX=000Ch,AX=0014h,AX=0019h Bitfields for mouse call mask: Bit(s) Description (Table 03174) 0 call if mouse moves 1 call if left button pressed 2 call if left button released 3 call if right button pressed 4 call if right button released 5 call if shift button pressed during event 6 call if ctrl key pressed during event 7 call if alt key pressed during event Note: at least one of 5-7 must be set (Table 03175) Values user handler is called with: AX = condition mask (same bit assignments as call mask) BX = button state CX = cursor column DX = cursor row SI = horizontal mickey count DI = vertical mickey count Return: registers preserved Note: in text modes, the row and column will be reported as a multiple of the cell size, typically 8x8 pixels --------M-330019----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - RETURN USER ALTERNATE INTERRUPT VECTOR AX = 0019h CX = call mask (see #03174) Return: BX:DX = user interrupt vector CX = call mask (0000h if not found) Note: attempts to find a user event handler (defined by function 18h) whose call mask matches CX SeeAlso: AX=0018h --------M-33001A----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - SET MOUSE SENSITIVITY AX = 001Ah BX = horizontal speed \ CX = vertical speed / (see AX=000Fh) DX = double speed threshold (see AX=0013h) SeeAlso: AX=0013h,AX=001Bh,INT 62/AX=0082h --------M-33001B----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - RETURN MOUSE SENSITIVITY AX = 001Bh Return: BX = horizontal speed CX = vertical speed DX = double speed threshold SeeAlso: AX=000Bh,AX=001Ah --------M-33001C----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - SET INTERRUPT RATE AX = 001Ch BX = rate (see #03176) Notes: only available on InPort mouse values greater than 4 may cause unpredictable driver behavior (Table 03176) Values for mouse interrupt rate: 00h no interrupts allowed 01h 30 per second 02h 50 per second 03h 100 per second 04h 200 per second --------M-33001D----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - DEFINE DISPLAY PAGE NUMBER AX = 001Dh BX = display page number Note: the cursor will be displayed on the specified page SeeAlso: AX=001Eh --------M-33001E----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - RETURN DISPLAY PAGE NUMBER AX = 001Eh Return: BX = display page number SeeAlso: AX=001Dh --------M-33001F----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - DISABLE MOUSE DRIVER AX = 001Fh Return: AX = status 001Fh successful ES:BX = INT 33 vector before mouse driver was first installed FFFFh unsuccessful Notes: restores vectors for INT 10 and INT 71 (8086) or INT 74 (286/386) if you restore INT 33 to ES:BX, driver will be completely disabled many drivers return AX=001Fh even though the driver has been disabled SeeAlso: AX=0020h --------M-330020----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - ENABLE MOUSE DRIVER AX = 0020h Return: AX = status 0020h successful FFFFh unsuccessful Notes: restores vectors for INT 10h and INT 71h (8086) or INT 74h (286/386) which were removed by function 1Fh Microsoft's documentation states that no value is returned SeeAlso: AX=001Fh --------M-330021----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - SOFTWARE RESET AX = 0021h Return: AX = status FFFFh if mouse driver installed BX = number of buttons (FFFFh = two buttons) 0021h if mouse driver not installed Note: this call is identical to funtion 00h, but does not reset the mouse SeeAlso: AX=0000h --------M-330022----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - SET LANGUAGE FOR MESSAGES AX = 0022h BX = language (see #03177) Note: only available on international versions of the driver; US versions ignore this call SeeAlso: AX=0023h (Table 03177) Values for mouse driver language: 00h English 01h French 02h Dutch 03h German 04h Swedish 05h Finnish 06h Spanish 07h Portugese 08h Italian --------M-330023----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.0+ - GET LANGUAGE FOR MESSAGES AX = 0023h Return: BX = language (see #03177) Note: the US version of the driver always returns zero SeeAlso: AX=0022h --------M-330024BX0000----------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.26+ - GET SOFTWARE VERSION, MOUSE TYPE, AND IRQ NUMBER AX = 0024h BX = 0000h to check for function's existence Return: AX = FFFFh on error otherwise, BH = major version BL = minor version CH = type (1=bus, 2=serial, 3=InPort, 4=PS/2, 5=HP) CL = interrupt (0=PS/2, 2=IRQ2, 3=IRQ3,...,7=IRQ7,...,0Fh=IRQ15) Note: although current Microsoft documentation states that this function was introduced in v6.26, it appears to have been present as early as v6.02 (for earlier versions, use INT 33/AX=006Dh) SeeAlso: AX=004Dh,AX=006Dh --------M-330025----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.26+ - GET GENERAL DRIVER INFORMATION AX = 0025h Return: AX = general information (see #03178) BX = cursor lock flag for OS/2 to prevent reentrancy problems CX = mouse code active flag (for OS/2) DX = mouse driver busy flag (for OS/2) Bitfields for general mouse driver information: Bit(s) Description (Table 03178) 15 driver loaded as device driver rather than TSR 14 driver is newer integrated type 13,12 current cursor type 00 software text cursor 01 hardware text cursor (CRT Controller's cursor) 1X graphics cursor 11-8 interrupt rate (see #03176) 7-0 count of currently-active Mouse Display Drivers (MDD), the newer integrated driver type --------M-330026----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v6.26+ - GET MAXIMUM VIRTUAL COORDINATES AX = 0026h Return: BX = mouse-disabled flag (0000h mouse enabled, nonzero disabled) CX = maximum virtual X (for current video mode) DX = maximum virtual Y Note: for driver versions before 7.05, this call returns the currently-set maximum coordinates; v7.05+ returns the absolute maximum coordinates SeeAlso: AX=0031h --------M-330027----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.01+ - GET SCREEN/CURSOR MASKS AND MICKEY COUNTS AX = 0027h Return: AX = screen-mask value (or hardware cursor scan-line start for v7.02+) BX = cursor-mask value (or hardware cursor scan-line stop for v7.02+) CX = horizontal mickeys moved since last call DX = vertical mickeys moved since last call SeeAlso: AX=000Bh --------M-330028----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.0+ - SET VIDEO MODE AX = 0028h CX = new video mode (call is NOP if 0000h) DH = Y font size (00h = default) DL = X font size (00h = default) Return: CL = status (00h = successful) Notes: DX is ignored unless the selected video mode supports font size control when CX=0000h, an internal flag that had been set by a previous call is cleared; this is required before a mouse reset SeeAlso: AX=0029h,INT 10/AH=00h --------M-330029----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.0+ - ENUMERATE VIDEO MODES AX = 0029h CX = previous video mode 0000h get first supported video mode other get next supported mode after mode CX Return: CX = first/next video mode (0000h = no more video modes) DS:DX -> description of video mode or 0000h:0000h if none Notes: the enumerated video modes may be in any order and may repeat the description string (if available) is terminated by '$' followed by a NUL byte SeeAlso: AX=0028h --------M-33002A----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.02+ - GET CURSOR HOT SPOT AX = 002Ah Return: AX = internal counter controlling cursor visibility BX = cursor hot spot column CX = cursor hot spot row DX = mouse type (see #03179) Note: the hot spot location is relative to the upper left corner of the cursor block and may range from -128 to +127 both horizontally and vertically SeeAlso: AX=0009h,AX=0012h,AX=0035h (Table 03179) Values for mouse type: 00h none 01h bus 02h serial 03h InPort 04h IBM 05h Hewlett-Packard --------M-33002B----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.0+ - LOAD ACCELERATION PROFILES AX = 002Bh BX = active acceleration profile 0001h-0004h or FFFFh to restore default curves ES:SI -> buffer containing acceleration profile data (see #03180) Return: AX = success flag SeeAlso: AX=002Ch,AX=002Dh,AX=0033h Format of acceleration profile data: Offset Size Description (Table 03180) 00h BYTE length of acceleration profile 1 01h BYTE length of acceleration profile 2 02h BYTE length of acceleration profile 3 03h BYTE length of acceleration profile 4 04h 32 BYTEs threshold speeds for acceleration profile 1 24h 32 BYTEs threshold speeds for acceleration profile 2 44h 32 BYTEs threshold speeds for acceleration profile 3 64h 32 BYTEs threshold speeds for acceleration profile 4 84h 32 BYTEs speedup factor for acceleration profile 1 (10h = 1.0, 14h = 1.25, 20h = 2.0, etc) A4h 32 BYTEs speedup factor for acceleration profile 2 (10h = 1.0, 14h = 1.25, 20h = 2.0, etc) C4h 32 BYTEs speedup factor for acceleration profile 3 (10h = 1.0, 14h = 1.25, 20h = 2.0, etc) E4h 32 BYTEs speedup factor for acceleration profile 4 (10h = 1.0, 14h = 1.25, 20h = 2.0, etc) 104h 16 BYTEs name of acceleration profile 1 (blank-padded) 114h 16 BYTEs name of acceleration profile 2 (blank-padded) 124h 16 BYTEs name of acceleration profile 3 (blank-padded) 134h 16 BYTEs name of acceleration profile 4 (blank-padded) Note: unused bytes in the threshold speed fields are filled with 7Fh and unused bytes in the speedup factor fields are filled with 10h --------M-33002C----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.0+ - GET ACCELERATION PROFILES AX = 002Ch Return: AX = status (0000h success) BX = currently-active acceleration profile ES:SI -> acceleration profile data (see #03180) SeeAlso: AX=002Bh,AX=002Dh,AX=0033h --------M-33002D----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.0+ - SELECT ACCELERATION PROFILE AX = 002Dh BX = acceleration level 0001h-0004h to set profile, or FFFFh to get current profile Return: AX = status 0000h successful ES:SI -> 16-byte blank-padded name of acceleration profile FFFEh invalid acceleration curve number ES:SI destroyed BX = active acceleration curve number SeeAlso: AX=0013h,AX=002Bh,AX=002Ch,AX=002Eh --------M-33002E----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v8.10+ - SET ACCELERATION PROFILE NAMES AX = 002Eh BL = flag (if nonzero, fill ES:SI buffer with default names on return) ES:SI -> 64-byte buffer containing profile names (16 bytes per name) Return: AX = status (0000h success) FFFEh error for ATI Mouse driver ES:SI buffer filled with default names if BL nonzero on entry Notes: not supported by Logitech driver v6.10 supported by ATI Mouse driver v7.04 SeeAlso: AX=002Ch,AX=002Dh,AX=012Eh,AX=022Eh --------M-33002F----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.02+ - MOUSE HARDWARE RESET AX = 002Fh Return: AX = status Note: invoked by mouse driver v8.20 on being called with INT 2F/AX=530Bh SeeAlso: INT 2F/AH=53h --------M-330030----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.04+ - GET/SET BallPoint INFORMATION AX = 0030h CX = command 0000h get status of BallPoint device other set rotation angle and masks BX = rotation angle (-32768 to 32767 degrees) CH = primary button mask CL = secondary button mask Return: AX = button status (FFFFh if no BallPoint) (see #03181) BX = rotation angle (0-360 degrees) CH = primary button mask CL = secondary button mask Note: not supported by the ATI Mouse driver which calls itself v7.04 Bitfields for BallPoint mouse button status: Bit(s) Description (Table 03181) 5 button 1 4 button 2 3 button 3 2 button 4 other zero --------M-330031----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.05+ - GET CURRENT MINIMUM/MAXIMUM VIRTUAL COORDINATES AX = 0031h Return: AX = virtual X minimum BX = virtual Y minimum CX = virtual X maximum DX = virtual Y maximum Note: the minimum and maximum values are those set by AX=0007h and AX=0008h; the default is minimum = 0 and maximum = absolute maximum (see AX=0026h) SeeAlso: AX=0007h,AX=0008h,AX=0010h,AX=0026h --------M-330032----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.05+ - GET ACTIVE ADVANCED FUNCTIONS AX = 0032h Return: AX = active function flags (FFFFh for v8.10) bit 15: function 0025h supported bit 14: function 0026h supported ... bit 0: function 0034h supported BX = ??? (0000h) officially unused CX = ??? (E000h) officially unused DX = ??? (0000h) officially unused Note: the Italian version of MS MOUSE v8.20 reportedly indicates that functions 0033h and 0034h are not supported even though they are --------M-330033----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v7.05+ - GET SWITCH SETTINGS AND ACCELERATION PROFILE DATA AX = 0033h CX = size of buffer 0000h get required buffer size Return: AX = 0000h CX = required size (0154h for Logitech v6.10, 0159h for MS v8.10-8.20) other ES:DX -> buffer of CX bytes for mouse settings Return: AX = 0000h CX = number of bytes returned ES:DX buffer filled (see #03182) SeeAlso: AX=002Bh Format of mouse settings data buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 03182) 00h BYTE mouse type 01h BYTE current language 02h BYTE horizontal sensitivity (00h-64h) 03h BYTE vertical sensitivity (00h-64h) 04h BYTE double-speed threshold (00h-64h) 05h BYTE ballistic curve (01h-04h) 06h BYTE interrupt rate (01h-04h) 07h BYTE cursor override mask 08h BYTE laptop adjustment 09h BYTE memory type (00h-02h) 0Ah BYTE SuperVGA support (00h,01h) 0Bh BYTE rotation angle 0Ch BYTE ??? 0Dh BYTE primary button (01h-04h) 0Eh BYTE secondary button (01h-04h) 0Fh BYTE click lock enabled (00h,01h) 10h 324 BYTEs acceleration profile data (see #03180) 154h 5 BYTEs ??? (Microsoft driver, but not Logitech) --------M-330034----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v8.0+ - GET INITIALIZATION FILE AX = 0034h Return: AX = status (0000h successful) ES:DX -> ASCIZ initialization (.INI) file name --------M-330035----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE v8.10+ - LCD SCREEN LARGE POINTER SUPPORT AX = 0035h BX = function FFFFh get current settings Return: AX = 0000h BH = style (see #03183) BL = size (see #03184) CH = threshold (00h-64h) CL = active flag (00h disabled, 01h enabled) DX = delay other BH = pointer style (see #03183) BL = size (see #03184) CH = threshold (00h-64h) CL = active flag (00h disable size change, 01h enable) DX = delay (0000h-0064h) Return: AX = 0000h Note: not supported by Logitech driver v6.10 SeeAlso: AX=0012h,AX=002Ah (Table 03183) Values for pointer style: 00h normal 01h reverse 02h transparent SeeAlso: #03184 (Table 03184) Values for pointer size: 00h small ("1") 01h medium ("1.5") 02h large ("2") SeeAlso: #03183 --------M-33004D----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE - RETURN POINTER TO COPYRIGHT STRING AX = 004Dh Return: ES:DI -> copyright message "*** This is Copyright 1983 Microsoft" or "Copyright 19XX...." Notes: also supported by Logitech, Kraft, Genius Mouse, and Mouse Systems mouse drivers in the Genius Mouse 9.06 driver, the ASCIZ signature "KYE" immediately follows the above copyright message (KYE Corp. manufactures the driver) SeeAlso: AX=0024h,AX=006Dh,AX=0666h --------M-33006D----------------------------- INT 33 - MS MOUSE - GET VERSION STRING AX = 006Dh 'm' Return: ES:DI -> Microsoft version number of resident driver (see #03187) Notes: also supported by Logitech, Mouse Systems, Kraft, and Genius mouse drivers the Mouse Systems 7.01 and Genius Mouse 9.06 drivers report their Microsoft version as 7.00 even though they do not support any of the functions from 0025h through 002Dh supported by the MS 7.00 driver (the Genius Mouse driver supports function 0026h, but it differs from the Microsoft function) the TRUEDOX 4.01 driver reports its version as 6.26 through this call, but as 6.24 through AX=0024h There seems to be no reliable method to distinguish MS MOUSE before 3.00 from mouse drivers of other vendors. Some releases of the MS MOUSE 6.00 erroneously return 6.01 instead of their true version number. In this case, a DI value of 01ABh can be used to still detect a 6.00 driver. For returned versions 6.02+, INT 33/AX=0024h should be used to retrieve more accurate version data. True MS MOUSE drivers can also be identified by magic numbers in their copyright message, stored in the driver's segment (ES). These can be found by scanning the first 2 Kb of the mouse driver's segment for a string like: [new since 7.00+] "** This is Copyright 1983[-19xx] Microsoft ***" with the magic number stored one byte after the signature string. SeeAlso: AX=0024h,AX=004Dh,AX=006Ah,AX=266Ch Format of Microsoft version number: Offset Size Description (Table 03187) 00h BYTE major version 01h BYTE minor version (BCD) (Table 04087) Values for Microsoft MOUSE copyright string magic numbers: 5564h version 3.00..6.00 (for reported versions up to 5.03, and 6.00) 557Ch version 6.01Z..6.24 (for reported versions 6.01..6.24) E806h version 6.25 (for reported version 6.25) EB02h version 6.26..7.04 (for reported version 6.26..7.04) 0800h Integrated driver 1.0+ (for reported version 9.x+) Note: Versions above 7.04 (except for integrated mouse drivers) have a magic number representing their version number, e.g. 0507h for version 7.05