/* * VBMouse - Interface to the Virtual DMA Service (VDS) * Copyright (C) 2022 Javier S. Pedro * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef VDS_H #define VDS_H #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> typedef unsigned char vdserr; enum vds_errors { VDS_SUCCESSFUL = 0, VDS_REGION_NOT_CONTIGUOUS = 1, VDS_REGION_NOT_ALIGNED = 2, VDS_UNABLE_TO_LOCK = 3, VDS_NO_BUFFER_AVAIL = 4, VDS_REGION_TOO_LARGE = 5, VDS_BUFFER_IN_USE = 6, VDS_INVALID_REGION = 7, VDS_REGION_NOT_LOCKED = 8, VDS_TOO_MANY_PAGES = 9, VDS_INVALID_BUFFER_ID = 0xA, VDS_BUFFER_BOUNDARY = 0xB, VDS_INVALID_DMA_CHANNEL = 0xC, VDS_DISABLE_COUNT_OVRFLOW = 0xD, VDS_DISABLE_COUNT_UNDFLOW = 0xE, VDS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xF, VDS_FLAGS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x10, }; enum vds_flags { /* Bit 1 = Automatically copy to/from buffer Bit 2 = Disable automatic buffer allocation Bit 3 = Disable automatic remap feature Bit 4 = Region must not cross 64K physical alignment boundary Bit 5 = Region must not cross 128K physical alignment boundary Bit 6 = Copy page-table for scatter/gather remap Bit 7 = Allow non-present pages for scatter/gather remap */ VDS_AUTO_COPY_DATA = 1 << 1, VDS_NO_AUTO_ALLOC = 1 << 2, VDS_NO_AUTO_REMAP = 1 << 3, VDS_ALIGN_64K = 1 << 4, VDS_ALIGN_128K = 1 << 5 }; /** DMA Descriptor structure. Describes a potentially DMA-lockable buffer. */ typedef _Packed struct VDSDDS { /** Size of this buffer. */ uint32_t regionSize; /** Logical/segmented address of this buffer, offset part */ uint32_t offset; /** Segment of this buffer. */ uint16_t segOrSelector; /** Internal VDS buffer ID. */ uint16_t bufferId; /** Physical address of this buffer. */ uint32_t physicalAddress; } VDSDDS; /** Converts a far pointer into equivalent linear address. * Note that under protected mode linear != physical. * That's what VDS is for. */ static inline uint32_t vds_ptr_to_linear(const void __far * ptr) { return ((uint32_t)(FP_SEG(ptr)) << 4) + FP_OFF(ptr); } static bool vds_available(void); #pragma aux vds_available = \ "mov ax, 0x40" \ "mov es, ax" \ "mov al, es:[0x7B]" \ "and al, 0x20" \ "setnz al" \ __value [al] \ __modify [ax es] /** Locks an already allocated buffer into a physical memory location. * regionSize, offset and segment must be valid in the DDS, * while the physical address is returned. */ static vdserr vds_lock_dma_buffer_region(VDSDDS __far * dds, unsigned char flags); #pragma aux vds_lock_dma_buffer_region = \ "stc" \ "mov ax, 0x8103" \ "int 0x4B" \ "jc fail" \ "mov al, 0" \ "jmp end" \ "fail: test al, al" \ "jnz end" \ "mov al, 0xFF" /* Force a error code if there was none. */ \ "end:" \ __parm [es di] [dx] \ __value [al] \ __modify [ax] /** Unlocks a locked buffer. */ static vdserr vds_unlock_dma_buffer_region(VDSDDS __far * dds, unsigned char flags); #pragma aux vds_unlock_dma_buffer_region = \ "stc" \ "mov ax, 0x8104" \ "int 0x4B" \ "jc fail" \ "mov al, 0" \ "jmp end" \ "fail: test al, al" \ "jnz end" \ "mov al, 0xFF" \ "end:" \ __parm [es di] [dx] \ __value [al] \ __modify [ax] /** Allocates a DMA buffer. * @param dds regionSize must be valid. * @return dds Physical_Address, Buffer_ID, and Region_Size */ static vdserr vds_request_dma_buffer(VDSDDS __far * dds, unsigned char flags); #pragma aux vds_request_dma_buffer = \ "stc" \ "mov ax, 0x8107" \ "int 0x4B" \ "jc fail" \ "mov al, 0" \ "jmp end" \ "fail: test al, al" \ "jnz end" \ "mov al, 0xFF" \ "end:" \ __parm [es di] [dx] \ __value [al] \ __modify [ax] /** Frees a DMA buffer. */ static vdserr vds_release_dma_buffer(VDSDDS __far * dds, unsigned char flags); #pragma aux vds_release_dma_buffer = \ "stc" \ "mov ax, 0x8108" \ "int 0x4B" \ "jc fail" \ "mov al, 0" \ "jmp end" \ "fail: test al, al" \ "jnz end" \ "mov al, 0xFF" \ "end:" \ __parm [es di] [dx] \ __value [al] \ __modify [ax] #endif