/* * PCem - IBM PC emulator * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* * Portions: * VMusic - a VirtualBox extension pack with various music devices * Copyright (C) 2022 Javier S. Pedro * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _EMU8K_INTERNAL_H_ #define _EMU8K_INTERNAL_H_ #include #define MAXSOUNDBUFLEN (48000 / 10) #define BLOCK_SIZE_WORDS 0x10000 /* All these defines are in samples, not in bytes. */ #define EMU8K_MEM_ADDRESS_MASK 0xFFFFFF #define EMU8K_RAM_MEM_START 0x200000 #define EMU8K_FM_MEM_ADDRESS 0xFFFFE0 #define EMU8K_RAM_POINTERS_MASK 0x3F #define EMU8K_LFOCHORUS_SIZE 0x4000 /* * Everything in this file assumes little endian */ /* used for the increment of oscillator position*/ typedef struct emu8k_mem_internal_t { union { uint64_t addr; struct { uint16_t fract_lw_address; uint16_t fract_address; uint32_t int_address; }; }; } emu8k_mem_internal_t; /* used for access to ram pointers from oscillator position. */ typedef struct emu8k_mem_pointers_t { union { uint32_t addr; struct { uint16_t lw_address; uint8_t hb_address; uint8_t unused_address; }; }; } emu8k_mem_pointers_t; /* * From the Soundfount 2.0 fileformat Spec.: * An envelope generates a control signal in six phases. When key-on occurs, a delay period begins during which the envelope value is zero. The envelope then rises in a convex curve to a value of one during the attack phase. " Note that the attack is convex; the curve is nominally such that when applied to a decibel or semitone parameter, the result is linear in amplitude or Hz respectively" When a value of one is reached, the envelope enters a hold phase during which it remains at one. When the hold phase ends, the envelope enters a decay phase during which its value decreases linearly to a sustain level. " For the Volume Envelope, the decay phase linearly ramps toward the sustain level, causing a constant dB change for each time unit. " When the sustain level is reached, the envelope enters sustain phase, during which the envelope stays at the sustain level. Whenever a key-off occurs, the envelope immediately enters a release phase during which the value linearly ramps from the current value to zero. " For the Volume Envelope, the release phase linearly ramps toward zero from the current level, causing a constant dB change for each time unit" When zero is reached, the envelope value remains at zero. Modulation of pitch and filter cutoff are in octaves, semitones, and cents. These parameters can be modulated to varying degree, either positively or negatively, by the modulation envelope. The degree of modulation is specified in cents for the full-scale attack peak. The volume envelope operates in dB, with the attack peak providing a full scale output, appropriately scaled by the initial volume. The zero value, however, is actually zero gain. The implementation in the EMU8000 provides for 96 dB of amplitude control. When 96 dB of attenuation is reached in the final gain amplifier, an abrupt jump to zero gain (infinite dB of attenuation) occurs. In a 16-bit system, this jump is inaudible */ /* It seems that the envelopes don't really have a decay/release stage, * but instead they have a volume ramper that can be triggered * automatically (after hold period), or manually (by activating release) * and the "sustain" value is the target of any of both cases. * Some programs like cubic player and AWEAmp use this, and it was * described in the following way in Vince Vu/Judge Dredd's awe32p10.txt: * If the MSB (most significant bit or bit 15) of this register is set, * the Decay/Release will begin immediately, overriding the Delay, Attack, * and Hold. Otherwise the Decay/Release will wait until the Delay, Attack, * and Hold are finished. If you set the MSB of this register, you can use * it as a volume ramper, as on the GUS. The upper byte (except the MSB), * contains the destination volume, and the lower byte contains the ramp time. */ /* attack_amount is linear amplitude (added directly to value). * ramp_amount_db is linear dB (added directly to value too, but needs conversion to get linear amplitude). * value range is 21bits for both, linear amplitude being 1<<21 = 0dBFS and 0 = -96dBFS (which is shortcut to silence), * and db amplutide being 0 = 0dBFS and -(1<<21) = -96dBFS (which is shortcut to silence). * This allows to operate db values by simply adding them. */ typedef struct emu8k_envelope_t { int state; int32_t delay_samples, hold_samples, attack_samples; int32_t value_amp_hz, value_db_oct; int32_t sustain_value_db_oct; int32_t attack_amount_amp_hz, ramp_amount_db_oct; } emu8k_envelope_t; typedef struct emu8k_chorus_eng_t { int32_t write; int32_t feedback; int32_t delay_samples_central; double lfodepth_multip; double delay_offset_samples_right; emu8k_mem_internal_t lfo_inc; emu8k_mem_internal_t lfo_pos; int32_t chorus_left_buffer[EMU8K_LFOCHORUS_SIZE]; int32_t chorus_right_buffer[EMU8K_LFOCHORUS_SIZE]; } emu8k_chorus_eng_t; /* 32 * 242. 32 comes from the "right" room resso case.*/ #define MAX_REFL_SIZE 7744 /* Reverb parameters description, extracted from AST sources. Mix level Decay Link return amp Link type Switches between normal or panned Room reso ( ms) L&R (Ref 6 +1) Ref 1 x2 (11 ms)R Ref 2 x4 (22 ms)R Ref 3 x8 (44 ms)L Ref 4 x13(71 ms)R Ref 5 x19(105ms)L Ref 6 x ( ms)R (multiplier changes with room reso) Ref 1-6 filter L&R Ref 1-6 amp L&R Ref 1 feedback L&R Ref 2 feedback L&R Ref 3 feedback L&R Ref 4 feedback L&R Ref 5 feedback L&R Ref 6 feedback L&R */ typedef struct emu8k_reverb_combfilter_t { int read_pos; int32_t reflection[MAX_REFL_SIZE]; float output_gain; float feedback; float damp1; float damp2; int bufsize; int32_t filterstore; } emu8k_reverb_combfilter_t; typedef struct emu8k_reverb_eng_t { int16_t out_mix; int16_t link_return_amp; /* tail part output gain ? */ int8_t link_return_type; uint8_t refl_in_amp; emu8k_reverb_combfilter_t reflections[6]; emu8k_reverb_combfilter_t allpass[8]; emu8k_reverb_combfilter_t tailL; emu8k_reverb_combfilter_t tailR; emu8k_reverb_combfilter_t damper; } emu8k_reverb_eng_t; typedef struct emu8k_slide_t { int32_t last; } emu8k_slide_t; typedef struct emu8k_voice_t { union { uint32_t cpf; struct { uint16_t cpf_curr_frac_addr; /* fractional part of the playing cursor. */ uint16_t cpf_curr_pitch; /* 0x4000 = no shift. Linear increment */ }; }; union { uint32_t ptrx; struct { uint8_t ptrx_pan_aux; uint8_t ptrx_revb_send; uint16_t ptrx_pit_target; /* target pitch to which slide at curr_pitch speed. */ }; }; union { uint32_t cvcf; struct { uint16_t cvcf_curr_filt_ctoff; uint16_t cvcf_curr_volume; }; }; emu8k_slide_t volumeslide; union { uint32_t vtft; struct { uint16_t vtft_filter_target; uint16_t vtft_vol_target; /* written to by the envelope engine. */ }; }; /* These registers are used at least by the Windows drivers, and seem to be resetting * something, similarly to targets and current, but... of what? * what is curious is that if they are already zero, they are not written to, so it really * looks like they are information about the status of the channel. (lfo position maybe?) */ uint32_t unknown_data0_4; uint32_t unknown_data0_5; union { uint32_t psst; struct { uint16_t psst_lw_address; uint8_t psst_hw_address; uint8_t psst_pan; }; #define PSST_LOOP_START_MASK 0x00FFFFFF /* In samples, i.e. uint16_t array[BOARD_RAM/2]; */ }; union { uint32_t csl; struct { uint16_t csl_lw_address; uint8_t csl_hw_address; uint8_t csl_chor_send; }; #define CSL_LOOP_END_MASK 0x00FFFFFF /* In samples, i.e. uint16_t array[BOARD_RAM/2]; */ }; union { uint32_t ccca; struct { uint16_t ccca_lw_addr; uint8_t ccca_hb_addr; uint8_t ccca_qcontrol; }; }; #define CCCA_FILTQ_GET(ccca) (ccca>>28) #define CCCA_FILTQ_SET(ccca,q) ccca = (ccca&0x0FFFFFFF) | (q<<28) /* Bit 27 should always be zero */ #define CCCA_DMA_ACTIVE(ccca) (ccca&0x04000000) #define CCCA_DMA_WRITE_MODE(ccca) (ccca&0x02000000) #define CCCA_DMA_WRITE_RIGHT(ccca) (ccca&0x01000000) uint16_t envvol; #define ENVVOL_NODELAY(envol) (envvol&0x8000) /* Verified with a soundfont bank. 7FFF is the minimum delay time, and 0 is the max delay time */ #define ENVVOL_TO_EMU_SAMPLES(envvol) (envvol&0x8000) ? 0 : ((0x8000-(envvol&0x7FFF)) <<5) uint16_t dcysusv; #define DCYSUSV_IS_RELEASE(dcysusv) (dcysusv&0x8000) #define DCYSUSV_GENERATOR_ENGINE_ON(dcysusv) !(dcysusv&0x0080) #define DCYSUSV_SUSVALUE_GET(dcysusv) ((dcysusv>>8)&0x7F) /* Inverting the range compared to documentation because the envelope runs from 0dBFS = 0 to -96dBFS = (1 <<21) */ #define DCYSUSV_SUS_TO_ENV_RANGE(susvalue) (((0x7F-susvalue) << 21)/0x7F) #define DCYSUSV_DECAYRELEASE_GET(dcysusv) (dcysusv&0x7F) uint16_t envval; #define ENVVAL_NODELAY(enval) (envval&0x8000) /* Verified with a soundfont bank. 7FFF is the minimum delay time, and 0 is the max delay time */ #define ENVVAL_TO_EMU_SAMPLES(envval)(envval&0x8000) ? 0 : ((0x8000-(envval&0x7FFF)) <<5) uint16_t dcysus; #define DCYSUS_IS_RELEASE(dcysus) (dcysus&0x8000) #define DCYSUS_SUSVALUE_GET(dcysus) ((dcysus>>8)&0x7F) #define DCYSUS_SUS_TO_ENV_RANGE(susvalue) ((susvalue << 21)/0x7F) #define DCYSUS_DECAYRELEASE_GET(dcysus) (dcysus&0x7F) uint16_t atkhldv; #define ATKHLDV_TRIGGER(atkhldv) !(atkhldv&0x8000) #define ATKHLDV_HOLD(atkhldv) ((atkhldv>>8)&0x7F) #define ATKHLDV_HOLD_TO_EMU_SAMPLES(atkhldv) (4096*(0x7F-((atkhldv>>8)&0x7F))) #define ATKHLDV_ATTACK(atkhldv) (atkhldv&0x7F) uint16_t lfo1val, lfo2val; #define LFOxVAL_NODELAY(lfoxval) (lfoxval&0x8000) #define LFOxVAL_TO_EMU_SAMPLES(lfoxval) (lfoxval&0x8000) ? 0 : ((0x8000-(lfoxval&0x7FFF)) <<5) uint16_t atkhld; #define ATKHLD_TRIGGER(atkhld) !(atkhld&0x8000) #define ATKHLD_HOLD(atkhld) ((atkhld>>8)&0x7F) #define ATKHLD_HOLD_TO_EMU_SAMPLES(atkhld) (4096*(0x7F-((atkhld>>8)&0x7F))) #define ATKHLD_ATTACK(atkhld) (atkhld&0x7F) uint16_t ip; #define INTIAL_PITCH_CENTER 0xE000 #define INTIAL_PITCH_OCTAVE 0x1000 union { uint16_t ifatn; struct{ uint8_t ifatn_attenuation; uint8_t ifatn_init_filter; }; }; union { uint16_t pefe; struct { int8_t pefe_modenv_filter_height; int8_t pefe_modenv_pitch_height; }; }; union { uint16_t fmmod; struct { int8_t fmmod_lfo1_filt_mod; int8_t fmmod_lfo1_vibrato; }; }; union { uint16_t tremfrq; struct { uint8_t tremfrq_lfo1_freq; int8_t tremfrq_lfo1_tremolo; }; }; union { uint16_t fm2frq2; struct { uint8_t fm2frq2_lfo2_freq; int8_t fm2frq2_lfo2_vibrato; }; }; int env_engine_on; emu8k_mem_internal_t addr, loop_start, loop_end; int32_t initial_att; int32_t initial_filter; emu8k_envelope_t vol_envelope; emu8k_envelope_t mod_envelope; int64_t lfo1_speed, lfo2_speed; emu8k_mem_internal_t lfo1_count, lfo2_count; int32_t lfo1_delay_samples, lfo2_delay_samples; int vol_l, vol_r; int16_t fixed_modenv_filter_height; int16_t fixed_modenv_pitch_height; int16_t fixed_lfo1_filt_mod; int16_t fixed_lfo1_vibrato; int16_t fixed_lfo1_tremolo; int16_t fixed_lfo2_vibrato; /* filter internal data. */ int filterq_idx; int32_t filt_att; int64_t filt_buffer[5]; } emu8k_voice_t; typedef struct emu8k_t { emu8k_voice_t voice[32]; uint16_t hwcf1, hwcf2, hwcf3; uint32_t hwcf4, hwcf5, hwcf6, hwcf7; uint16_t init1[32], init2[32], init3[32], init4[32]; uint32_t smalr, smarr, smalw, smarw; uint16_t smld_buffer, smrd_buffer; uint16_t wc; uint16_t id; /* The empty block is used to act as an unallocated memory returning zero. */ int16_t *ram, *rom, *empty; /* RAM pointers are a way to avoid checking ram boundaries on read */ int16_t *ram_pointers[0x100]; uint32_t ram_end_addr; int cur_reg, cur_voice; int16_t out_l, out_r; emu8k_chorus_eng_t chorus_engine; int32_t chorus_in_buffer[MAXSOUNDBUFLEN]; emu8k_reverb_eng_t reverb_engine; int32_t reverb_in_buffer[MAXSOUNDBUFLEN]; int pos; int32_t buffer[MAXSOUNDBUFLEN * 2]; } emu8k_t; /* Section E - Introduction to the EMU8000 Chip The EMU8000 has its roots in E-mu's Proteus sample playback modules and their renowned Emulator sampler. The EMU8000 has 32 individual oscillators, each playing back at 44.1 kHz. By incorporating sophisticated sample interpolation algorithms and digital filtering, the EMU8000 is capable of producing high fidelity sample playback. The EMU8000 has an extensive modulation capability using two sine-wave LFOs (Low Frequency Oscillator) and two multi- stage envelope generators. What exactly does modulation mean? Modulation means to dynamically change a parameter of an audio signal, whether it be the volume (amplitude modulation, or tremolo), pitch (frequency modulation, or vibrato) or filter cutoff frequency (filter modulation, or wah-wah). To modulate something we would require a modulation source, and a modulation destination. In the EMU8000, the modulation sources are the LFOs and the envelope generators, and the modulation destinations can be the pitch, the volume or the filter cutoff frequency. The EMU8000's LFOs and envelope generators provide a complex modulation environment. Each sound producing element of the EMU8000 consists of a resonant low-pass filter, two LFOs, in which one modulates the pitch (LFO2), and the other modulates pitch, filter cutoff and volume (LFO1) simultaneously. There are two envelope generators; envelope 1 contours both pitch and filter cutoff simultaneously, and envelope 2 contours volume. The output stage consists of an effects engine that mixes the dry signals with the Reverb/chorus level signals to produce the final mix. What are the EMU8000 sound elements? Each of the sound elements in an EMU8000 consists of the following: Oscillator An oscillator is the source of an audio signal. Low Pass Filter The low pass filter is responsible for modifying the timbres of an instrument. The low pass filter's filter cutoff values can be varied from 100 Hz to 8000 Hz. By changing the values of the filter cutoff, a myriad of analogue sounding filter sweeps can be achieved. An example of a GM instrument that makes use of filter sweep is instrument number 87, Lead 7 (fifths). Amplifier The amplifier determines the loudness of an audio signal. LFO1 An LFO, or Low Frequency Oscillator, is normally used to periodically modulate, that is, change a sound parameter, whether it be volume (amplitude modulation), pitch (frequency modulation) or filter cutoff (filter modulation). It operates at sub-audio frequency from 0.042 Hz to 10.71 Hz. The LFO1 in the EMU8000 modulates the pitch, volume and filter cutoff simultaneously. LFO2 The LFO2 is similar to the LFO1, except that it modulates the pitch of the audio signal only. Resonance A filter alone would be like an equalizer, making a bright audio signal duller, but the addition of resonance greatly increases the creative potential of a filter. Increasing the resonance of a filter makes it emphasize signals at the cutoff frequency, giving the audio signal a subtle wah-wah, that is, imagine a siren sound going from bright to dull to bright again periodically. LFO1 to Volume (Tremolo) The LFO1's output is routed to the amplifier, with the depth of oscillation determined by LFO1 to Volume. LFO1 to Volume produces tremolo, which is a periodic fluctuation of volume. Lets say you are listening to a piece of music on your home stereo system. When you rapidly increase and decrease the playback volume, you are creating tremolo effect, and the speed in which you increases and decreases the volume is the tremolo rate (which corresponds to the speed at which the LFO is oscillating). An example of a GM instrument that makes use of LFO1 to Volume is instrument number 45, Tremolo Strings. LFO1 to Filter Cutoff (Wah-Wah) The LFO1's output is routed to the filter, with the depth of oscillation determined by LFO1 to Filter. LFO1 to Filter produces a periodic fluctuation in the filter cutoff frequency, producing an effect very similar to that of a wah-wah guitar (see resonance for a description of wah-wah) An example of a GM instrument that makes use of LFO1 to Filter Cutoff is instrument number 19, Rock Organ. LFO1 to Pitch (Vibrato) The LFO1's output is routed to the oscillator, with the depth of oscillation determined by LFO1 to Pitch. LFO1 to Pitch produces a periodic fluctuation in the pitch of the oscillator, producing a vibrato effect. An example of a GM instrument that makes use of LFO1 to Pitch is instrument number 57, Trumpet. LFO2 to Pitch (Vibrato) The LFO1 in the EMU8000 can simultaneously modulate pitch, volume and filter. LFO2, on the other hand, modulates only the pitch, with the depth of modulation determined by LFO2 to Pitch. LFO2 to Pitch produces a periodic fluctuation in the pitch of the oscillator, producing a vibrato effect. When this is coupled with LFO1 to Pitch, a complex vibrato effect can be achieved. Volume Envelope The character of a musical instrument is largely determined by its volume envelope, the way in which the level of the sound changes with time. For example, percussive sounds usually start suddenly and then die away, whereas a bowed sound might take quite some time to start and then sustain at a more or less fixed level. A six-stage envelope makes up the volume envelope of the EMU8000. The six stages are delay, attack, hold, decay, sustain and release. The stages can be described as follows: Delay The time between when a key is played and when the attack phase begins Attack The time it takes to go from zero to the peak (full) level. Hold The time the envelope will stay at the peak level before starting the decay phase. Decay The time it takes the envelope to go from the peak level to the sustain level. Sustain The level at which the envelope remains as long as a key is held down. Release The time it takes the envelope to fall to the zero level after the key is released. Using these six parameters can yield very realistic reproduction of the volume envelope characteristics of many musical instruments. Pitch and Filter Envelope The pitch and filter envelope is similar to the volume envelope in that it has the same envelope stages. The difference between them is that whereas the volume envelope contours the volume of the instrument over time, the pitch and filter envelope contours the pitch and filter values of the instrument over time. The pitch envelope is particularly useful in putting the finishing touches in simulating a natural instrument. For example, some wind instruments tend to go slightly sharp when they are first blown, and this characteristic can be simulated by setting up a pitch envelope with a fairly fast attack and decay. The filter envelope, on the other hand, is useful in creating synthetic sci-fi sound textures. An example of a GM instrument that makes use of the filter envelope is instrument number 86, Pad 8 (Sweep). Pitch/Filter Envelope Modulation These two parameters determine the modulation depth of the pitch and filter envelope. In the wind instrument example above, a small amount of pitch envelope modulation is desirable to simulate its natural pitch characteristics. This rich modulation capability of the EMU8000 is fully exploited by the SB AWE32 MIDI drivers. The driver also provides you with a means to change these parameters over MIDI in real time. Refer to the section "How do I change an instrument's sound parameter in real time" for more information. Room 1 - 3 This group of reverb variation simulates the natural ambiance of a room. Room 1 simulates a small room, Room 2 simulates a slightly bigger room, and Room 3 simulates a big room. Hall 1 - 2 This group of reverb variation simulates the natural ambiance of a concert hall. It has greater depth than the room variations. Again, Hall 1 simulates a small hall, and Hall 2 simulates a larger hall. Plate Back in the old days, reverb effects were sometimes produced using a metal plate, and this type of reverb produces a metallic echo. The SB AWE32's Plate variation simulates this form of reverb. Delay This reverb produces a delay, that is, echo effect. Panning Delay This reverb variation produces a delay effect that is continuously panned left and right. Chorus 1 - 4 Chorus produces a "beating" effect. The chorus effects are more prominent going from chorus 1 to chorus 4. Feedback Chorus This chorus variation simulates a soft "swishing" effect. Flanger This chorus variation produces a more prominent feedback chorus effect. Short Delay This chorus variation simulates a delay repeated in a short time. Short Delay (feed back) This chorus variation simulates a short delay repeated (feedback) many times. Registers to write the Chorus Parameters to (all are 16-bit, unless noted): (codified as in register,port,voice. port 0=0x620, 2=0x622, 4=0xA20, 6=0xA22, 8=0xE20) ( 3409 = register 3, port A20, voice 9) 0x3409 0x340C 0x3603 0x1409 (32-Bit) 0x140A (32-Bit) then write 0x8000 to 0x140D (32-Bit) and then 0x0000 to 0x140E (32-Bit) Chorus Parameters: Chorus 1 Chorus 2 Chorus 3 Chorus 4 Feedback Flanger 0xE600 0xE608 0xE610 0xE620 0xE680 0xE6E0 0x03F6 0x031A 0x031A 0x0269 0x04D3 0x044E 0xBC2C 0xBC6E 0xBC84 0xBC6E 0xBCA6 0xBC37 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x006D 0x017C 0x0083 0x017C 0x005B 0x0026 Short Delay Short Delay + Feedback 0xE600 0xE6C0 0x0B06 0x0B06 0xBC00 0xBC00 0xE000 0xE000 0x0083 0x0083 // Chorus Params typedef struct { WORD FbkLevel; // Feedback Level (0xE600-0xE6FF) WORD Delay; // Delay (0-0x0DA3) [1/44100 sec] WORD LfoDepth; // LFO Depth (0xBC00-0xBCFF) DWORD DelayR; // Right Delay (0-0xFFFFFFFF) [1/256/44100 sec] DWORD LfoFreq; // LFO Frequency (0-0xFFFFFFFF) } CHORUS_TYPE; Registers to write the Reverb Parameters to (they are all 16-bit): (codified as in register,port,voice. port 0=0x620, 2=0x622, 4=0xA20, 6=0xA22, 8=0xE20) ( 3409 = register 3, port A20, voice 9) 0x2403,0x2405,0x361F,0x2407,0x2614,0x2616,0x240F,0x2417, 0x241F,0x2607,0x260F,0x2617,0x261D,0x261F,0x3401,0x3403, 0x2409,0x240B,0x2411,0x2413,0x2419,0x241B,0x2601,0x2603, 0x2609,0x260B,0x2611,0x2613 Reverb Parameters: Room 1: 0xB488,0xA450,0x9550,0x84B5,0x383A,0x3EB5,0x72F4,0x72A4, 0x7254,0x7204,0x7204,0x7204,0x4416,0x4516,0xA490,0xA590, 0x842A,0x852A,0x842A,0x852A,0x8429,0x8529,0x8429,0x8529, 0x8428,0x8528,0x8428,0x8528 Room 2: 0xB488,0xA458,0x9558,0x84B5,0x383A,0x3EB5,0x7284,0x7254, 0x7224,0x7224,0x7254,0x7284,0x4448,0x4548,0xA440,0xA540, 0x842A,0x852A,0x842A,0x852A,0x8429,0x8529,0x8429,0x8529, 0x8428,0x8528,0x8428,0x8528 Room 3: 0xB488,0xA460,0x9560,0x84B5,0x383A,0x3EB5,0x7284,0x7254, 0x7224,0x7224,0x7254,0x7284,0x4416,0x4516,0xA490,0xA590, 0x842C,0x852C,0x842C,0x852C,0x842B,0x852B,0x842B,0x852B, 0x842A,0x852A,0x842A,0x852A Hall 1: 0xB488,0xA470,0x9570,0x84B5,0x383A,0x3EB5,0x7284,0x7254, 0x7224,0x7224,0x7254,0x7284,0x4448,0x4548,0xA440,0xA540, 0x842B,0x852B,0x842B,0x852B,0x842A,0x852A,0x842A,0x852A, 0x8429,0x8529,0x8429,0x8529 Hall 2: 0xB488,0xA470,0x9570,0x84B5,0x383A,0x3EB5,0x7254,0x7234, 0x7224,0x7254,0x7264,0x7294,0x44C3,0x45C3,0xA404,0xA504, 0x842A,0x852A,0x842A,0x852A,0x8429,0x8529,0x8429,0x8529, 0x8428,0x8528,0x8428,0x8528 Plate: 0xB4FF,0xA470,0x9570,0x84B5,0x383A,0x3EB5,0x7234,0x7234, 0x7234,0x7234,0x7234,0x7234,0x4448,0x4548,0xA440,0xA540, 0x842A,0x852A,0x842A,0x852A,0x8429,0x8529,0x8429,0x8529, 0x8428,0x8528,0x8428,0x8528 Delay: 0xB4FF,0xA470,0x9500,0x84B5,0x333A,0x39B5,0x7204,0x7204, 0x7204,0x7204,0x7204,0x72F4,0x4400,0x4500,0xA4FF,0xA5FF, 0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520, 0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520 Panning Delay: 0xB4FF,0xA490,0x9590,0x8474,0x333A,0x39B5,0x7204,0x7204, 0x7204,0x7204,0x7204,0x72F4,0x4400,0x4500,0xA4FF,0xA5FF, 0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520, 0x8420,0x8520,0x8420,0x8520 Registers to write the EQ Parameters to (16-Bit): (codified as in register,port,voice. port 0=0x620, 2=0x622, 4=0xA20, 6=0xA22, 8=0xE20) ( 3409 = register 3, port A20, voice 9) Bass: 0x3601 0x3611 Treble: 0x3411 0x3413 0x341B 0x3607 0x360B 0x360D 0x3617 0x3619 Total: write the 0x0263 + 3rd parameter of the Bass EQ + 9th parameter of Treble EQ to 0x3615. write the 0x8363 + 3rd parameter of the Bass EQ + 9th parameter of Treble EQ to 0x3615. Bass Parameters: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 0xD26A 0xD25B 0xD24C 0xD23D 0xD21F 0xC208 0xC219 0xC22A 0xC24C 0xC26E 0xC248 0xC26A 0xD36A 0xD35B 0xD34C 0xD33D 0xC31F 0xC308 0xC308 0xC32A 0xC34C 0xC36E 0xC384 0xC36A 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0000 0x0001 0x0001 0x0001 0x0001 0x0001 0x0002 0x0002 Treble Parameters: 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821E 0x821D 0x821C 0xC26A 0xC25B 0xC24C 0xC23D 0xC21F 0xD208 0xD208 0xD208 0xD208 0xD208 0xD219 0xD22A 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031E 0x031D 0x031C 0xC36A 0xC35B 0xC34C 0xC33D 0xC31F 0xD308 0xD308 0xD308 0xD308 0xD308 0xD319 0xD32A 0x021E 0x021E 0x021E 0x021E 0x021E 0x021E 0x021D 0x021C 0x021A 0x0219 0x0219 0x0219 0xD208 0xD208 0xD208 0xD208 0xD208 0xD208 0xD219 0xD22A 0xD24C 0xD26E 0xD26E 0xD26E 0x831E 0x831E 0x831E 0x831E 0x831E 0x831E 0x831D 0x831C 0x831A 0x8319 0x8319 0x8319 0xD308 0xD308 0xD308 0xD308 0xD308 0xD308 0xD3019 0xD32A 0xD34C 0xD36E 0xD36E 0xD36E 0x0001 0x0001 0x0001 0x0001 0x0001 0x0002 0x0002 0x0002 0x0002 0x0002 0x0002 0x0002 */ #endif /* _SOUND_EMU8K_H_ */