/****************************************************************** Copyright 1994, 1995 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Copyright 1993, 1994 by Hewlett-Packard Company Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. Sun Microsystems, Inc. and Hewlett-Packard make no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. SUN MICROSYSTEMS INC. AND HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. AND HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Author: Hidetoshi Tajima(tajima@Eng.Sun.COM) Sun Microsystems, Inc. This version tidied and debugged by Steve Underwood May 1999 ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "FrameMgr.h" #include "IMdkit.h" #include "Xi18n.h" #include "Xi18nX.h" #include "XimFunc.h" extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nFindClient(Xi18n, CARD16); extern Xi18nClient *_Xi18nNewClient(Xi18n); extern void _Xi18nDeleteClient(Xi18n, CARD16); static Bool WaitXConnectMessage(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer); static Bool WaitXIMProtocol(Display*, Window, XEvent*, XPointer); static XClient *NewXClient (Xi18n i18n_core, Window new_client) { Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy; Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nNewClient (i18n_core); XClient *x_client; x_client = (XClient *) malloc (sizeof (XClient)); x_client->client_win = new_client; x_client->accept_win = XCreateSimpleWindow (dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0); client->trans_rec = x_client; return ((XClient *) x_client); } static unsigned char *ReadXIMMessage (XIMS ims, XClientMessageEvent *ev, int *connect_id) { Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; Xi18nClient *client = i18n_core->address.clients; XClient *x_client = NULL; FrameMgr fm; extern XimFrameRec packet_header_fr[]; unsigned char *p = NULL; unsigned char *p1; while (client != NULL) { x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec; if (x_client->accept_win == ev->window) { *connect_id = client->connect_id; break; } client = client->next; } if (ev->format == 8) { /* ClientMessage only */ XimProtoHdr *hdr = (XimProtoHdr *) ev->data.b; unsigned char *rec = (unsigned char *) (hdr + 1); register int total_size; CARD8 major_opcode; CARD8 minor_opcode; CARD16 length; extern int _Xi18nNeedSwap (Xi18n, CARD16); if (client->byte_order == '?') { if (hdr->major_opcode != XIM_CONNECT) return (unsigned char *) NULL; /* can do nothing */ client->byte_order = (CARD8) rec[0]; } fm = FrameMgrInit (packet_header_fr, (char *) hdr, _Xi18nNeedSwap (i18n_core, *connect_id)); total_size = FrameMgrGetTotalSize (fm); /* get data */ FrameMgrGetToken (fm, major_opcode); FrameMgrGetToken (fm, minor_opcode); FrameMgrGetToken (fm, length); FrameMgrFree (fm); if ((p = (unsigned char *) malloc (total_size + length * 4)) == NULL) return (unsigned char *) NULL; p1 = p; memmove (p1, &major_opcode, sizeof (CARD8)); p1 += sizeof (CARD8); memmove (p1, &minor_opcode, sizeof (CARD8)); p1 += sizeof (CARD8); memmove (p1, &length, sizeof (CARD16)); p1 += sizeof (CARD16); memmove (p1, rec, length * 4); } else if (ev->format == 32) { /* ClientMessage and WindowProperty */ unsigned long length = (unsigned long) ev->data.l[0]; unsigned long get_length; Atom atom = (Atom) ev->data.l[1]; int return_code; Atom actual_type_ret; int actual_format_ret; unsigned long bytes_after_ret; unsigned char *prop; unsigned long nitems; /* Round up length to next 4 byte value. */ get_length = length + 3; if (get_length > LONG_MAX) get_length = LONG_MAX; get_length /= 4; if (get_length == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid length 0\n", __FUNCTION__); return NULL; } return_code = XGetWindowProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy, x_client->accept_win, atom, client->property_offset / 4, get_length, True, AnyPropertyType, &actual_type_ret, &actual_format_ret, &nitems, &bytes_after_ret, &prop); if (return_code != Success || actual_format_ret == 0 || nitems == 0) { if (return_code == Success) XFree (prop); client->property_offset = 0; return (unsigned char *) NULL; } /* Update the offset to read next time as needed */ if (bytes_after_ret > 0) client->property_offset += length; else client->property_offset = 0; switch (actual_format_ret) { case 8: case 16: case 32: length = nitems * actual_format_ret / 8; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown property return format: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, actual_format_ret); XFree(prop); client->property_offset = 0; return NULL; } /* if hit, it might be an error */ if ((p = (unsigned char *) malloc (length)) == NULL) return (unsigned char *) NULL; memmove (p, prop, length); XFree (prop); } return (unsigned char *) p; } static void ReadXConnectMessage (XIMS ims, XClientMessageEvent *ev) { Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr; XEvent event; Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy; Window new_client = ev->data.l[0]; CARD32 major_version = ev->data.l[1]; CARD32 minor_version = ev->data.l[2]; XClient *x_client = NewXClient (i18n_core, new_client); if (ev->window != i18n_core->address.im_window) return; /* incorrect connection request */ /*endif*/ if (major_version != 0 || minor_version != 0) { major_version = minor_version = 0; /* Only supporting only-CM & Property-with-CM method */ } /*endif*/ _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy, x_client->accept_win, ClientMessage, ClientMessage, WaitXIMProtocol, (XPointer)ims); event.xclient.type = ClientMessage; event.xclient.display = dpy; event.xclient.window = new_client; event.xclient.message_type = spec->connect_request; event.xclient.format = 32; event.xclient.data.l[0] = x_client->accept_win; event.xclient.data.l[1] = major_version; event.xclient.data.l[2] = minor_version; event.xclient.data.l[3] = XCM_DATA_LIMIT; XSendEvent (dpy, new_client, False, NoEventMask, &event); XFlush (dpy); } static Bool Xi18nXBegin (XIMS ims) { Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy; XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr; spec->xim_request = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy, _XIM_PROTOCOL, False); spec->connect_request = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy, _XIM_XCONNECT, False); _XRegisterFilterByType (dpy, i18n_core->address.im_window, ClientMessage, ClientMessage, WaitXConnectMessage, (XPointer)ims); return True; } static Bool Xi18nXEnd(XIMS ims) { Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy; _XUnregisterFilter (dpy, i18n_core->address.im_window, WaitXConnectMessage, (XPointer)ims); return True; } static char *MakeNewAtom (CARD16 connect_id, char *atomName) { static int sequence = 0; sprintf (atomName, "_server%d_%d", connect_id, ((sequence > 20) ? (sequence = 0) : sequence++)); return atomName; } static Bool Xi18nXSend (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id, unsigned char *reply, long length) { Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id); XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr; XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec; XEvent event; event.type = ClientMessage; event.xclient.window = x_client->client_win; event.xclient.message_type = spec->xim_request; if (length > XCM_DATA_LIMIT) { Atom atom; char atomName[16]; Atom actual_type_ret; int actual_format_ret; int return_code; unsigned long nitems_ret; unsigned long bytes_after_ret; unsigned char *win_data; event.xclient.format = 32; atom = XInternAtom (i18n_core->address.dpy, MakeNewAtom (connect_id, atomName), False); return_code = XGetWindowProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy, x_client->client_win, atom, 0L, 10000L, False, XA_STRING, &actual_type_ret, &actual_format_ret, &nitems_ret, &bytes_after_ret, &win_data); if (return_code != Success) return False; /*endif*/ if (win_data) XFree ((char *) win_data); /*endif*/ XChangeProperty (i18n_core->address.dpy, x_client->client_win, atom, XA_STRING, 8, PropModeAppend, (unsigned char *) reply, length); event.xclient.data.l[0] = length; event.xclient.data.l[1] = atom; } else { unsigned char buffer[XCM_DATA_LIMIT]; int i; event.xclient.format = 8; /* Clear unused field with NULL */ memmove(buffer, reply, length); for (i = length; i < XCM_DATA_LIMIT; i++) buffer[i] = (char) 0; /*endfor*/ length = XCM_DATA_LIMIT; memmove (event.xclient.data.b, buffer, length); } XSendEvent (i18n_core->address.dpy, x_client->client_win, False, NoEventMask, &event); XFlush (i18n_core->address.dpy); return True; } static Bool CheckCMEvent (Display *display, XEvent *event, XPointer xi18n_core) { Xi18n i18n_core = (Xi18n) ((void *) xi18n_core); XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr; if ((event->type == ClientMessage) && (event->xclient.message_type == spec->xim_request)) { return True; } /*endif*/ return False; } static Bool Xi18nXWait (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id, CARD8 major_opcode, CARD8 minor_opcode) { Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; XEvent event; Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id); XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec; for (;;) { unsigned char *packet; XimProtoHdr *hdr; int connect_id_ret; XIfEvent (i18n_core->address.dpy, &event, CheckCMEvent, (XPointer) i18n_core); if (event.xclient.window == x_client->accept_win) { if ((packet = ReadXIMMessage (ims, (XClientMessageEvent *) & event, &connect_id_ret)) == (unsigned char*) NULL) { return False; } /*endif*/ hdr = (XimProtoHdr *)packet; if ((hdr->major_opcode == major_opcode) && (hdr->minor_opcode == minor_opcode)) { return True; } else if (hdr->major_opcode == XIM_ERROR) { return False; } /*endif*/ } /*endif*/ } /*endfor*/ } static Bool Xi18nXDisconnect (XIMS ims, CARD16 connect_id) { Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; Display *dpy = i18n_core->address.dpy; Xi18nClient *client = _Xi18nFindClient (i18n_core, connect_id); XClient *x_client = (XClient *) client->trans_rec; XDestroyWindow (dpy, x_client->accept_win); _XUnregisterFilter (dpy, x_client->accept_win, WaitXIMProtocol, (XPointer)ims); XFree (x_client); _Xi18nDeleteClient (i18n_core, connect_id); return True; } Bool _Xi18nCheckXAddress (Xi18n i18n_core, TransportSW *transSW, char *address) { XSpecRec *spec; if (!(spec = (XSpecRec *) malloc (sizeof (XSpecRec)))) return False; /*endif*/ i18n_core->address.connect_addr = (XSpecRec *) spec; i18n_core->methods.begin = Xi18nXBegin; i18n_core->methods.end = Xi18nXEnd; i18n_core->methods.send = Xi18nXSend; i18n_core->methods.wait = Xi18nXWait; i18n_core->methods.disconnect = Xi18nXDisconnect; return True; } static Bool WaitXConnectMessage (Display *dpy, Window win, XEvent *ev, XPointer client_data) { XIMS ims = (XIMS)client_data; Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr; if (((XClientMessageEvent *) ev)->message_type == spec->connect_request) { ReadXConnectMessage (ims, (XClientMessageEvent *) ev); return True; } /*endif*/ return False; } static Bool WaitXIMProtocol (Display *dpy, Window win, XEvent *ev, XPointer client_data) { extern void _Xi18nMessageHandler (XIMS, CARD16, unsigned char *, Bool *); XIMS ims = (XIMS) client_data; Xi18n i18n_core = ims->protocol; XSpecRec *spec = (XSpecRec *) i18n_core->address.connect_addr; Bool delete = True; unsigned char *packet; int connect_id; if (((XClientMessageEvent *) ev)->message_type == spec->xim_request) { if ((packet = ReadXIMMessage (ims, (XClientMessageEvent *) ev, &connect_id)) == (unsigned char *) NULL) { return False; } /*endif*/ _Xi18nMessageHandler (ims, connect_id, packet, &delete); if (delete == True) XFree (packet); /*endif*/ return True; } /*endif*/ return False; }