diff options
authorJavier S. Pedro <>2013-04-07 18:52:23 +0200
committerJavier S. Pedro <>2013-04-07 18:52:23 +0200
commiteaf95f0c22b50c599c5713166fba03c1c13ff644 (patch)
parent0a3f6f27868a6eaa15d27cfe5be303292737b562 (diff)
refresh topics also when viewing outdated ones
3 files changed, 75 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/forummodel.cpp b/forummodel.cpp
index 3e912c6..73482e4 100644
--- a/forummodel.cpp
+++ b/forummodel.cpp
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@ QVariant ForumModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
switch (role) {
case TitleRole:
+ if (_data[row].last_update_time.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) > FORUM_TOPICS_TLL) {
+ fetchTopic(row);
+ }
return _data[row].title;
case TopicIdRole:
return _data[row].topic_id;
@@ -134,6 +137,7 @@ void ForumModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)
// We could not load anything more from DB!
_eof = true;
} else {
+ qDebug() << "Insert rows" << normal_offset + normal_start << normal_offset + normal_new_end;
normal_offset + normal_start, normal_offset + normal_new_end);
@@ -141,31 +145,15 @@ void ForumModel::fetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent)
- if (_board->service()->isAccessible()) {
- if (!topics.empty()) {
- QDateTime last = oldestPostUpdate(topics);
- // If the topics we got from DB are too old, refresh online.
- if (last.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()) > FORUM_TOPICS_TLL) {
- qDebug() << "Fetching topics because of old";
- Q_ASSERT(normal_new_end >= 0);
- _board->enqueueAction(new FetchTopicsAction(_forumId,
- Board::Normal,
- normal_start,
- normal_new_end,
- _board));
- }
- }
+ if (_board->service()->isAccessible() && _eof) {
// Try to fetch more topics if board is online and we reached the end of DB
- if (_eof) {
- qDebug() << "Fetching topics because of EOF";
- const int normal_cur_end = _data.size() - 1 - normal_offset;
- _board->enqueueAction(new FetchTopicsAction(_forumId,
- Board::Normal,
- normal_cur_end + 1,
- normal_cur_end + FORUM_PAGE_SIZE,
- _board));
- }
+ qDebug() << "Fetching topics because of EOF";
+ const int normal_cur_end = _data.size() - 1 - normal_offset;
+ _board->enqueueAction(new FetchTopicsAction(_forumId,
+ Board::Normal,
+ normal_cur_end + 1,
+ normal_cur_end + FORUM_PAGE_SIZE,
+ _board));
@@ -256,6 +244,31 @@ QList<ForumModel::Topic> ForumModel::loadTopics(Board::TopicType type, int start
return topics;
+void ForumModel::fetchTopic(int position) const
+ if (_board->service()->isAccessible()) {
+ // There are less posts on the DB than we wanted
+ qDebug() << "Fetching topic" << position << "because of unfetched/old";
+ // Figure out the topic type
+ Board::TopicType type;
+ if (position < _numAnnouncements) {
+ type = Board::Announcement;
+ } else if (position < _numAnnouncements + _numSticky) {
+ type = Board::Sticky;
+ position -= _numAnnouncements;
+ } else {
+ type = Board::Normal;
+ position -= _numAnnouncements + _numSticky;
+ }
+ // Always fetch one page at least.
+ int start = (position / FORUM_PAGE_SIZE) * FORUM_PAGE_SIZE;
+ int end = (start + FORUM_PAGE_SIZE) - 1;
+ qDebug() << "From" << start << "to" << end;
+ _board->enqueueAction(new FetchTopicsAction(_forumId, type,
+ start, end, _board));
+ }
void ForumModel::clearModel()
@@ -270,13 +283,12 @@ void ForumModel::handleForumTopicsChanged(int forumId, Board::TopicType type,
if (forumId != _forumId) {
return; // Not our topics
+ // TODO This probably can be simplified quite a lot.
if (type == Board::Normal) {
- // Yep, our topics list changed.
+ // Yep, our normal topics list changed.
const int normal_offset = _numAnnouncements + _numSticky;
int current_normal_end = _data.size() - 1 - normal_offset;
- qDebug() << "My topics changed" << start << end;
if (end >= current_normal_end) {
// If for any reason we have more topics now, it means we might
// no longer be EOF...
@@ -289,15 +301,21 @@ void ForumModel::handleForumTopicsChanged(int forumId, Board::TopicType type,
+ const int requested = end - start + 1;
QList<Topic> topics = loadTopics(Board::Normal, start, end);
- if (topics.size() < end - start + 1) {
+ end = start + topics.size() - 1;
+ // Less topics than the number of topics we requested?
+ if (topics.size() < requested) {
_eof = true; // Short read
- end = start + topics.size() - 1;
if (current_normal_end > end) {
const int current_full_end = _data.size() - 1;
const int new_full_end = end + normal_offset;
Q_ASSERT(new_full_end < current_full_end);
+ qDebug() << "Remove rows" << new_full_end << current_full_end;
new_full_end, current_full_end);
while (_data.size() > new_full_end) {
@@ -309,32 +327,34 @@ void ForumModel::handleForumTopicsChanged(int forumId, Board::TopicType type,
+ Q_ASSERT(end == start + topics.size() - 1);
if (end > current_normal_end) {
+ // More topics than we currently have in the model
const int current_full_end = _data.size() - 1;
const int new_full_end = end + normal_offset;
qDebug() << "Insert rows" << current_full_end + 1 << new_full_end;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), current_full_end + 1, new_full_end);
_data.reserve(new_full_end + 1);
const int full_start = normal_offset + start;
- for (int i = full_start; i <= current_full_end; i++) {
- _data[i] = topics[i - full_start];
- }
Q_ASSERT(current_full_end + 1 >= full_start);
for (int i = current_full_end + 1; i <= new_full_end; i++) {
_data.append(topics[i - full_start]);
Q_ASSERT(new_full_end == _data.size() - 1);
- emit dataChanged(createIndex(full_start, 0), createIndex(new_full_end, 0));
- } else {
- qDebug() << "Just refresh the data";
- const int full_start = normal_offset + start;
- const int full_end = normal_offset + end;
- for (int i = full_start; i < full_end; i++) {
- _data[i] = topics[i - full_start];
- }
- emit dataChanged(createIndex(full_start, 0), createIndex(full_end, 0));
+ end = current_normal_end;
+ }
+ Q_ASSERT(end <= start + topics.size() - 1);
+ const int full_start = normal_offset + start;
+ const int full_end = normal_offset + end;
+ for (int i = full_start; i < full_end; i++) {
+ _data[i] = topics[i - full_start];
+ qDebug() << "Changed rows" << full_start << full_end;
+ emit dataChanged(createIndex(full_start, 0), createIndex(full_end, 0));
} else if (type == Board::Sticky || type == Board::Announcement) {
// We just reload these fully
QList<Topic> topics = loadTopics(type, 0, MAX_FORUM_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
@@ -345,6 +365,7 @@ void ForumModel::handleForumTopicsChanged(int forumId, Board::TopicType type,
if (topics.size() < cur_number) {
const int cur_end = offset + cur_number - 1;
const int new_end = offset + topics.size() - 1;
+ qDebug() << "Remove rows" << new_end + 1 << cur_end;
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), new_end + 1, cur_end);
for (int i = new_end + 1; i <= cur_end; i++) {
@@ -356,6 +377,7 @@ void ForumModel::handleForumTopicsChanged(int forumId, Board::TopicType type,
const int new_end = offset + topics.size() - 1;
const int new_start = cur_end + 1;
Q_ASSERT(new_end - offset == topics.size() - 1);
+ qDebug() << "Insert rows" << new_start << new_end;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), new_start, new_end);
for (int i = new_start; i <= new_end; i++) {
_data.insert(i, topics.takeAt(new_start - offset));
@@ -367,10 +389,13 @@ void ForumModel::handleForumTopicsChanged(int forumId, Board::TopicType type,
const int start = offset;
const int end = offset + topics.size() - 1;
- for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
- _data.insert(i, - offset));
+ if (end >= start) {
+ for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
+ _data.insert(i, - offset));
+ }
+ qDebug() << "Changed rows" << start << end;
+ emit dataChanged(createIndex(start, 0), createIndex(end, 0));
- emit dataChanged(createIndex(start, 0), createIndex(end, 0));
@@ -429,6 +454,7 @@ void ForumModel::reload()
QList<Topic> topics;
topics = loadTopics(Board::Announcement, 0, MAX_FORUM_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
if (!topics.empty()) {
+ qDebug() << "Insert rows" << 0 << topics.size() - 1;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, topics.size() - 1);
_numAnnouncements = topics.size();
@@ -439,6 +465,7 @@ void ForumModel::reload()
topics = loadTopics(Board::Sticky, 0, MAX_FORUM_PAGE_SIZE - 1);
if (!topics.empty()) {
+ qDebug() << "Insert rows" << _numAnnouncements << _numAnnouncements + topics.size() - 1;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), _numAnnouncements, _numAnnouncements + topics.size() - 1);
_numSticky = topics.size();
diff --git a/forummodel.h b/forummodel.h
index 76f6912..10afa86 100644
--- a/forummodel.h
+++ b/forummodel.h
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ private:
static QDateTime oldestPostUpdate(const QList<Topic>& topics);
QDateTime lastTopPostUpdate();
QList<Topic> loadTopics(Board::TopicType type, int start, int end);
+ void fetchTopic(int position) const; // const because data() calls this
void clearModel();
private slots:
diff --git a/topicmodel.cpp b/topicmodel.cpp
index 4188784..36fc4c0 100644
--- a/topicmodel.cpp
+++ b/topicmodel.cpp
@@ -281,11 +281,11 @@ QList<TopicModel::Post> TopicModel::loadPosts(int start, int end)
void TopicModel::fetchPost(int position) const
if (_board->service()->isAccessible()) {
- // There are lest posts on the DB than we wanted
+ // There are less posts on the DB than we wanted
qDebug() << "Fetching post" << position << "because of unfetched";
// Always fetch one page at least.
- int start = (position / FORUM_PAGE_SIZE) * FORUM_PAGE_SIZE;
- int end = (start + FORUM_PAGE_SIZE) - 1;
+ int start = (position / TOPIC_PAGE_SIZE) * TOPIC_PAGE_SIZE;
+ int end = (start + TOPIC_PAGE_SIZE) - 1;
qDebug() << "From" << start << "to" << end;
_board->enqueueAction(new FetchPostsAction(_topicId, start, end, _board));